Kryptoria gameplay: Build (1/3)

6 min readOct 24, 2022


Build is the first of three gameplay elements in Kryptoria. It allows holders to stake their assets and yield resources in our ecosystem.

Games provide shared experiences. An environment to bring together whole communities. Here at Kryptoria, we wanted to create one that evoked all the camaraderie of trading with friends, of battling online when we were younger. To elicit a sense of family.

To capture that spirit, we’ve built a massive multiplayer online strategy game, set in an incredible 3D world, powered by Unity.

Alongside the shared experiences, games provide a common language, uniting seemingly disparate people. Lore gives substance to game mechanics. It brings to life the world that players are exploring, sparking creativity in holders. The world of Kryptoria is set in a futuristic sci-fi universe, powered by Web3-inspired technology. Those living there escaped the totalitarian forces of Web2, arriving into a parallel land of unimaginable possibilities, factionalism, intrigue and social frictions. A decades-long epic story stretching from that first exodus to the coming civil war and beyond. You can keep up to date through our animated series, with weekly episodes released on our Twitter and YouTube. Our lore provides the foundation of our ongoing IP creation — all part of the wider ecosystem.

The most immersive Web3 RTS game yet

The capital city of Exodus is comprised of 7 map tiles — the metaverse’s hottest real estate.

As a strategy game, Kryptoria focuses on creativity, conviction and planning to achieve victory. High-level strategy, logistics and resource management are rewarded. The intricacies of the game’s mechanics will become apparent in this and future articles, part of a series the team are writing to unpack the game, from its lore to its mechanics and tech. Specifically, Kryptoria is a 4X real time strategy (RTS) game. The 4X refers to the primary objectives of eXploration, eXpansion, eXploitation and eXtermination. As well as these objectives, the subgenre is defined by how it frames the passage of time in game, and is exemplified by greats from Age of Empires to StarCraft. Unlike traditional board or strategy games, in-game time is not compartmentalised into phases, or turns. Rather, in Kryptoria, all players can play, all at once. Although initially there will be a cooling down period after players execute their moves, the thousands of Kryptoria players will be attacking or be under attack, across our Unity map, day and night. The Unity gameworld is itself split into 10,000 map tiles, with a corresponding Land NFT denoting ownership of each one.

Before we dive into a series on playing the game, it’s best to understand that a player must hold at least one NFT from each of Kryptoria’s three collections: Alpha Citizens, Land and Weapons. This is because, more than just a JPEG, those NFTs represent a unique in-game asset that players own, inalienably and forever. Citizens, Land and Weapons: all the logical elements required to own, develop and defend a piece of the world (soon to be iterated into a full-blown metaverse).

There are three main elements to Kryptoria’s gameplay, each one representing a period in the story of Kryptoria’s creation.

  • Build: Not long after their arrival in Kryptoria, the Alpha Citizens discovered their new world was home to many undiscovered new resources. Since then, they have started to extract these precious resources to fuel the growth of their new civilisation.
  • Trade: alongside the rise of vast cities, Kryptoria’s economy flourished into a complex web of trades, rates, and nefarious negotiations. Enter the interplayer Resource Exchange to swap the resources you’ve accrued for those you need. Remember, you’ll need all 5 resources to expand your empire. Who said funding an army was easy…
  • Fight: ideological schism drove the Citizens to war. Attack others’ and defend your own Land to earn the precious resources you need to survive.

In this article we are going to explore the first element of the game: Build. It will be one of a mini series, each focused on a particular element of gameplay. From staking to in-game ranks, this Medium is the place to find everything you need to know about playing Kryptoria.



Own, stake and assign each of the three Kryptoria NFTs to start yielding resources.

Build is fundamentally about combining your Alpha Citizen and your piece of Land. Doing so will yield you one of the in game resources, dictated by the type of Land you own. Whether it be a Grass-type Land yielding Binary Code, or a Mountain-type region yielding Krypto Ore, it will need to be staked in our ecosystem and assigned to a similarly staked Alpha Citizen.

Kryptoria uses an innovative soft-staking mechanism. This means your Kryptoria NFTs will never leave your wallet, they’ll only interact with the project smart contract. They’ll be visible at all times. Increased security, reduced gas, better UX. The Kryptoria way.


5 land types, each yielding its own unique in-game resource. Every resource has its own use and lore. Every one of the 10,000 Land NFTs denotes ownership of a corresponding Unity-world map tile

Once you’ve staked your Alpha Citizen and Land, and assigned them to each other, you will begin accruing a resource. Automatically, at a certain yield per day. That yield is decided by your Land’s abundance score. Keep in mind that each Land NFT actually corresponds to a plot in the game world which, like ours, has terrain of various types and richness.

Each resource has a different use in the final element of the game: Fight. For example, Meta Spice and BioSynth are used as rations to fuel your forces as they fight their way across the world. Binary Code, by contrast, is used to power the digital interactions.

It is therefore a good idea to build your holdings so you can accrue high levels of each of the 5 resources (which also means you’ll own vast swathes of Kryptoria). Alternatively, you’ll be able to exchange the resources your land yields for others, using our interplayer resource exchange. More on that in the coming article on Trade.


As you acquire land in Kryptoria and begin to draw resources from your plots, there are multiple ways you can boost that yield. As in real life, the world of Kryptoria is subject to certain laws of economies of scale and labour output. For example, there is:

Adjacency Bonus (up to +50% daily base yield)

When expanding your empire, owning map tiles adjacent to one another will build economies of scale. This bonus is calculated by how many of the hexagonal map tile’s 6 sides touch another tile that you own. The more sides that touch each other, the higher bonus you’ll get. Using our advanced UI, finding the owners of land adjacent to yours is easy. Persuading them to sell, however…

Creative control of game mechanics, democratised. Our community always has a say in the direction of the project.

Urban Bonus (up to +40% daily base yield)

Kryptoria has flourished into a land filled with urban spaces. From small villages to the towering twin capitals of Exodus and Zion, map tiles with buildings on them yield more than those that do not. Tiles with villages earn +10%, towns earn you +20%, and cities +30%. If you’re lucky enough to own a slice of a capital, you’ll not only be the proud freeholder of the metaverse’s choicest real estate, but earn +40% yield on those tiles.

On top of earning you precious resources, which you can use to Trade, and Fight, staking and your assets will start your staking streak. Free NFTs, irl benefits, and much much more [eyes, soon and camera emoji] are the prize for those with the longest staking streaks. Remember, your streak is not cumulative but consecutive. Meaning if you unstake then restake, you’ll start from 0.


Build is the first but crucial element to playing Kryptoria. It enters your NFTs into our sophisticated ecosystem, with all the benefits that brings. It lays the foundation for Trade, the second element, which is open now and will have its own article soon. And it prepares your lands and armies for Fight, the definitive third gameplay element that will be rolling out over Q4 2022. Together, they comprise the most immersive Web3 RTS game yet, The first iteration of what will become the #1 RTS game powered by blockchain, as part of our persistent world.

