What is SolarBlox? | Part 3

1 min readSep 15, 2022


SolarBlox is a project created to capitalize on the failings of the cryptocurrency
mining industry. The aim is to resolve the issue of the environmental strain of miners’ energy consumption and the sources from which they come while also reducing mining power costs and increasing profitability.

SolarBlox intend to use 50% of clean & renewable energy alongside conventional energy already used.
Traditional energy sources with carbon footprints are neutralized using carbon credits from our sister blockchain-based carbon trading platform. If fully operational, SolarBlox will be the gateway token to transform crypto mining rigs into carbon-neutral setups.
SolarBlox is built on the Binance Smart Chain blockchain and exploits its programmable nature and the trustless environment created by its native smart contracts.
SolarBlox provides an avenue for investors to champion green energy by buying SolarBlox tokens. This investment will translate to digitalized money as the returns will be in Bitcoins and distributed
fairly among investors.


SolarBlox White paper

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