‘Ascension: a poem’


Ascension Day (courtesy of ‘There is a Day for That’)

The space we share
The times we grieve
The tears we shed
Constraints we leave
Behind us now
With every breath
Our former selves
Confined to rest

And in this clearing
I believe, the openness
Authentic, clean
Of language and
Intent and song
How deeply struck
We all belong

To a new tribe
And as I scribe
The power of
The system builds
Each breakthrough
Followed by another
Each one of us
A sister, brother

Not two days in
And I begin to
Emotions, language
Future state

Where now from here
I’ve no idea
But on we press
Now free from fear

— — — — — — — — — -

For Tigi, above all
And inspired by everyone at
Tristan’s majestic NLP Retreat in Ibiza 2024

