‘The tree: a poem’

Rooted in soil
Giver of life
Reaches for sky
Twig, leaf and branch
Decking that warms
From golden sun rays
And blossom that falls
Confetti that fades

The tree that stands proud
As the world keeps on turning
Roots that spread deep
While my heart is yearning
To be steadfast and strong
Provide shade for my child
A refuge for strays
For the meek and the mild

I stare out with longing
The fire still burning
Reflecting on presence
And open to learning
The bamboo she sways
But her roots remain strong
The starling is chirping
Soft trilling birdsong

Clouds block out the light
But the tree still remains
Through hail and snow
Harsh winds and cold rain
Each day he grows taller
Approaches the heavens
Each day I am grateful
To see him endure



A Kloppwork Orange

'Applied seat of pants to chair and wrote'. Enjoy. If you like what you see, feel free to caffeinate me at www.buymeacoffee.com/kubrickandklopp