Kumar S
2 min readAug 28, 2022


“Welcome to my YouTube channel please like, share and subscribe”

This one is the tagline we always go hear while viewing a video! But wait for theirs more the above statement was used but theirs an additional one also

“Please click on the bell icon to get the latest updates”

Let’s go through a user journey

1. Opens YouTube

2. Opens/searches for the video one wants to see to whom he/she is subscribed

3. Scrolls down the suggestion while seeing the video

4. Eye catches a Clickbait

5.1st Realization- Clickbait seems interesting should go through the content

6. Clicks it

7. Watches the video liked the content wants to see more

8.2nd realization Content seems good and engaging I would be watching more of it and to the latest one

9. Subscribes by pressing the subscribe button!


Not yet theirs more (most of the users forget the step unless specifically asked)

Theirs also a bell icon that has 3 options which have the

  1. All videos
  2. Personalized
  3. None

But why for a user who is subscribing to the content that he/she liked being given these 3 options !!

Their more than what meets the eye the Personalized option is much more powerful when used properly it solves a problem of a user by limiting the notification one gets when he/she gets when comments on a video and the comment went viral ya literally when the comment gets viral and getting hits one can disable it !!

And also disable the notification on the replies one gets when their comment went viral!!

The personalized options seem legit!

But what’s with the 1 & 3 options of getting notification of All videos of the subscribed channel and not getting the notification of the subscribed channel!!

Options for subscription

If one had subscribed to that channel why he/she would mute the notification?

We will try to get these answers in later upcoming posts. In the meantime what are your thoughts about it?

Let me know in the comment section.




Kumar S

A product Manager Enthusiast. A keen observer of product and latest features they offer. An Active Learner