Beasts Distribution, Rarities, and Reproduction

Kuroro Beasts
8 min readFeb 9, 2022


This is the first in a series of articles meant to prepare everyone for the final WhitePaper and minting of Kuroro Beasts.

This piece will touch on specifics about the different kind of Beasts, their distribution, and how to get more of them!


This image shows 6 of the 100+ beasts that can be discovered on the island

The main entities (NFTs) of our world. Beasts are magical creatures that can be trained, bred, and transformed. Trainers can go on quests with their Kuroro companions, gather items, evolve them, and battle against other trainers for fame and glory.


Beasts have the following attributes that make them vary in rarity, as follows:

  • Species, Base Stats, Elements, Frequency, Elements, Collection, Genetic Values, Skill Points, and Moves.

A detailed explanation of every attribute is forthcoming in a separate article with the 3 Beast Tamers (Pokémon Pros) who are Kuroro battling experts.

Did we mention all Beasts have their in-game animated sprite versions as well?

Origin Beasts

Origin Beasts are the first creatures found on Kuroro Island in their natural habitat, and they are the linchpin of the ecosystem. Mysteriously, they are exactly 6,600. Our investigators are still puzzled by the significance of this number and its relation to the island.

“New research conducted by none other than, Professor Otium, proves that every Origin beast is female, which is signified by distinctive aesthetic elements that vary by species, and they are capable of self-reproduction by parthenogenesis.

It is unclear how this works, and the process only became more mysterious when our researchers found that the Origin Beasts can only produce male offspring. At the moment, it appears that male Beasts are incapable of reproduction, though further research is necessary.


A key element of Kuroro biology is their ability to evolve, changing their form before our very eyes. Currently, 30 different beast evolutionary lines have been discovered. Scientists have developed the following system to classify beasts based on their rarity:

  • Core – 4/7ths of all Beasts
  • Rare – 2/7ths of all Beasts
  • Epic – 1/7th of all Beasts
Core, Rare, and Epic Beasts Respectively (Initial Stage)

The rarities do not affect their potential in battles or in PvE gameplay. Significant effort in the designing process is being dedicated to ensure that all beasts have an equal chance of being viable.

The Beast Sage, who was the sole inhabitant of the island before scientists and adventurers started arriving, has a deep connection with the spirit of the Beasts that allows him to understand them as no one else can. He knows that Beasts need to be matched with competent trainers to thrive and exploit their potential, which is why he has arranged for the Origin Beasts to be properly matched with every trainer in the initiation ceremony.

This includes folks holding Golden Tickets (more about them in a minute), OG Trainers (WL), and individuals that take part in the Public Sale.

The 6,600 Origin Beasts will be randomly distributed (minted) as follows:

  • Core Beasts = 4 / 7 ≈ 58% * 6,600 Genesis Collection = 300 of each of the 16 Core initial stage Beast
  • Rare Beasts = 2 / 7 ≈ 28% * 6,600 Genesis Collection = 150 of each of the 10 Rare initial stage Beast
  • Epic Beasts = 1 / 7 ≈ 14% * 6,600 Genesis Collection = 75 of each of the 4 Epic initial stage Beast


As previously mentioned, Origin Beasts can perform parthenogenesis (self-replication). Their offsprings, called “Scions,” are not capable of this action.

The exact cadence and intricacies around how Origin Beasts can generate more Beasts will be explained in a separate article going into more detail about the unique attributes of the Origin Beasts.

The advantages with the Origin Beasts reproductive behaviour are manyfold. They help to achieve important goals (which are some of the first principles we created Kuroro around) of creating accessibility, rewarding our early supporters, allowing trainers to form teams and, having a sustainable game and economy.

By generating additional Beasts, Origins provide a greater opportunity for their owners to trade and benefit from their holding. They also feed more beasts into the ecosystem which folks will be able to collect, use for PvE, and leverage to affordably build PvP battling teams.

This Scion seems pretty rare


Scions are the descendants of the Origin Beasts. Scions have all of the same basic capabilities as Origin Beasts. They can go exploring, transform, acquire items, and battle. Scions and Origin Beasts are equally viable in terms of battling potential. The only thing they cannot do is reproduce, at least as far as we can tell.

Distribution of Scions

Scions will be obtained through Origin Beast production.

The big advantage of Scions is that it solves the problem of not having enough beasts to go around. They make the competitive game accessible to a much wider audience while maintaining the integrity of the Origin Beasts supply, securing long term value to our early supporters.

What about the Starters?

We have not forgotten about our 3 Starter Beasts that have been with us since the early days.

Season 1 starters.

Folks in our community have fallen in love with the 3 starters, and no wonder, they have been with us since day one; the Discord is even arranged with different factions representing each animal: dog, ape, and toad.

We are not going to lie, it was a pain in terms of the balancing and how to fit the starters into the game in a way that would work well, but we think we pulled it off. Here are a few things about them:

  • Starters are only going to be available in their Season.
  • Starters will be Scions (we don’t want them to continuously reproduce).
  • Starters are only going to be available on the initial mint.

Early members of our community will be rewarded by being the only ones able to have an option to mint the Season 1 starters. Once reproduction starts, they will be pretty rare.

Remember, as well, starters can evolve into several types, in Season 1 those are, Lightning, Fire, Water, Plant, so that will create a healthy amount of variation within the starters after things are said and done. Imagine a shiny Lightning Starter O_o

Are you forgetting about us Golden Ticket Holders?

No way! We love you guys. We have been quite transparent as a team since day 1, and when we shared the idea for the Ferry Tickets as early funding, we were very excited to see all the support and interest behind it.

Golden Ticket Open Sea collection

The minting went super well, we sold out in two seconds, blocked the bots, and tickets have gravitated anywhere from 4x to 12x from their mint price (0.15E).

On top of that, Ticket owners get privileged access to holders-only channels with: more access to the founding team, high-quality WL giveaways from other projects (the ROI has been pretty good so far), alpha hints, and early access to what we do.

Even though that is already a good bang for your buck, there are some questions to be answered about the Ticket minting advantages.

Here are some hints of what the Golden Ticket gives with respect to the beast minting:

  • Grants a starter of your choice
  • Grants an Origin Beast
  • Higher chance of Shiny (extremely rare aesthetic trait), final number TBD, but it will be a significantly improved chance

That is most likely not the end of it. There have been talks about giving further utility to the ticket, and the team is discussing the capability to support that. We don’t want to make any empty promises, though, so hold your horses on that one.


Great question, trainer, great question.

The project has grown into something much bigger and more professional than expected. We have a team of 12 working full-time plus some extra collaborators and contractors, bringing the full team to 20.

The PvP game is quite well-scoped and has already been worked on for a while, the biggest chunk of the balancing has been lifted, the engine basis is already done, etc. As soon as it is ready for beta testing, we will open it up for our Golden Ticket holders.

Still, we are convinced that a March mint date does not provide enough room for us to deliver the best experience.

The PvP will definitely be our distinctive signature (Kuroro eSport?) and what we think will ultimately provide value to the game forever. But, we don’t feel comfortable launching without an acceptable version of the PvE game ready.

PvE will be a core part of our game and is essential to have a healthy economy and to allow players that aren’t interested in the PVP side to join the game.

I mean, we need it for the HUGE tokenomics announcement we have coming soon, we need it to create progression within the game (other than getting better and better at battles), we need it to produce more beasts for you guys, and ultimately to provide the best experience we can provide.

What does that mean? We expect the launch of the game to be delayed until late April. We are being cautious and preparing early for potential risks as we always do; we are pros.

We could always just launch the NFTs now, cash in, and promise the world, or we could launch the NFTs with the base PvP and a very poor PvE experience, but we don’t want to do that, we want to be different from the status quo reigning over the NFT ecosystem and that we are all tired of that circles around “give us your money and we give you promises”.

We all know that tends to not end that well.

We have seen good feedback from our community, especially our holders supporting us to make the best game and take our time. Having said that, we don’t want to delay this forever (Sage note: or we will run out of funds :P) so as soon as we have the base MVP we are good to go.

We will be putting out several articles per week laying out the game mechanics to make the WhitePaper a bit more digestible before sharing the complete version.

This is going to be so much fun!

Thanks so much for reading,

Follow your ❤️



Kuroro Beasts

⚔️ PVP focused NFT RPG | 🐶 🐸 🐵 Over 100 different beasts | Real $$$ prize tournaments and competitive scene |