Exercise Isn’t About Appearance

Kurt Henry
Published in
3 min readFeb 19, 2016

The Elite Facade

It seems these days many preach that washboard abs and perfect glutes are sure to attract. Or actively practicing fitness is the key to beauty and happiness or that only those who have earned the spartan badge, done the iron man, or joined cross-fit are worthy of attention and elitism. Let’s squash that shit right now. The value of fitness is far more than looking good for everyone else and I promise you that if you are shallow and insecure no gym or diet will cure this. Fitness has many health benefits and exercise is for everyone! You deserve fitness, your body wants to be healthy, and your spirit craves exercise.


If you ever felt like going to the gym is embarrassing, worried about looking dumb while working out or that your love of confections would make you a hypocrite by exercising. You are not alone! You are also dead wrong! Sure to some you may seem like a hypocrite if you go to the gym then the bakery and wolf down a chocolate cupcake but so fucking what! In fact, if any of these jackasses should say you do look dumb or you’re a hypocrite for creating positive change in your life, gently remind them with a well-aimed punch to the face that this is your life! As for you, nonconfrontational types simply stand your ground or move along without them if necessary. However, the truth is that these people are rare and not nearly as rude or obtrusive as your mind says they will be. More often than not you will be met by happy, supportive and health-conscious people.

Keep Secrets

I know we exist in the over-sharing world of today where many post a selfie complete with every meal, snack and beverage they consume throughout the day but remember this. You don’t have to! oh and if the person selling you that cupcake each day is the only one who knows of your chocolate addiction great! Indulge, enjoy and keep it secret. Good for you!

Let me clarify that I’m not an advocate for addiction or obesity but that we are human not computers that can easily be reprogrammed. Change works best when we break bad habits one at a time and in small achievable pieces.

Forget About Self-Image

Exercise is far more important than self-image or impressing someone. fitness is about feeling healthy, living longer, producing chemicals that promote happiness, touching your toes, being able to breath when you reach the last stair, being able to take the stairs! and about a million other things.

Look my final point is this. Fuck what everyone else’s thoughts, plans, and goals are for you and your health. If you have ever thought I’m not worthy of, wealthy enough or capable of fitness you’re wrong! Fitness is natural and you owe it to yourself.

Go feel alive!

The only wrong way to approach fitness is to avoid fitness.

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Kurt Henry

Keeping it real on the positive side of life. I write to add genuine value with zero sugar coating for fellow thinkers.