Javanese People: The Unique of Javanese philosophy

2 min readSep 19, 2022

Javanese is that the main etnich group in Indonesia. Since the recent data about number 159 million people spread everywhere Indonesia. Java enriches exist from ancient time, and also the famous one is their uniqueness of philosophy, keep it for guidance. No wonder Java people always been wise and calm in any reasonably problems life. If you fascination about their philosophy, here some below of them

1. Urip iku Urup
Being someone who always giving good influence to others. Small things we do is extremely usefull for others.

2.Sura Dira Jayaningrat, Lebur Dening Pangastuti
Being wise, tolerant and type are the sole thanks to defeat stubborn, and evil nature.

3.Aja Gumunan, Aja Getunan, Aja Kagetan, Aja Aleman”
Do not be easily surprised, don’t easily regret, don’t be easily shocked for any price.

4.Datan Serik Lamun Ketaman, Datan Susah Lamun Kelangan
Do not worry, be happy!
Do not regret for losing thing in life

5.Tanpa Bala, Menang Tanpa Ngasorake, Sekti Tanpa Aji-Aji, Sugih Tanpa Bandha
Fight without bring forth people. Gain the superiority without humiliate. Authority without looking forward to power, strength, wealth or descent. Being rich with no materi

6. Aja Milik Barang Kang Melok, Aja Mangro Mundak Kendo
Do not be easy falling for luxury and glamorous things. don’t think ambiguously so as to not loose intention and sagging enthusiasm

7. Aja Kuminter Mundak Keblinger, Aja Cidra Mundak Cilaka
Smart-ass leads you to the incorrect way. Cheating cause you to give way

8.Aja Adigang, Adigung, Adiguno
Keep atittude to your pocket, dont hurt anyone by using your power and background life

9. Alon-alon waton klakon
Be someone who always continue presistence,watchfull on doing something.

10.Nerimo ing pandum
The meaning of the word is to contain a deep assuming to show honesty, sincerity, lightness in work and unwillingness to corruption. The core of this philosophy is that one must sincerely accept the results of the work he has done.

Those are some views of life, guidelines and principles that are applied way back that wont to be the recommendation of Java. The philosophy of Java, although now increasingly faded with age, but it’ll always be embedded within the souls of Java.




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