HairDAO: How a Crypto Project Ran and Illegal Human Clinical Trial — A Look at “Lead Researcher’s” Science

12 min readJun 18, 2024


Main Article:

This article discusses one of HairDAO’s lead researchers: a pseudonymous individual currently known only as Jumpman. For those unfamiliar, Jumpman, also known as Pegasus or Pegasus2, frequently promotes “group buys” on platforms like Reddit, HairLossTalk, and

What is a Groupbuy?

To give a more extensive recap, “Group buying,” sometimes referred to as “groupbuy” or “gb,” is a form of crowdfunding where people with a common interest or enterprise collectively pool funds to purchase a physical or digital item from a vendor/entity. In some cases, parts of the allocated funds from individuals in the groupbuy may be staked, where groupbuyers declare a contribution amount of money in order to secure specific items or the general manufacturing of all items.

Once the funding goal is reached, a middleman usually collects the money and forwards it to the vendor/entity. The vendor then distributes and sends the items according to what each participant has declared to purchase from the set of manufactured items.

So, let me use an example. Let’s say I started a groupbuy for the production of rare diamond shoes, which come in only three colors: blue, green, and red. A group of individuals approaches me with a commission request, asking for the cost of each shoe per pound. Members of this group then make specific financial commitments. For instance, one member might stake $15,000 for a collection of 3 green and 5 red diamond shoes. Others make varied requests. Eventually, once the minimum number of orders (the minimum order quantity or MOQ) is met, I can start producing the shoes and sending them out to the group buyers in a way that’s respective to what they declared.

HairDAO Groupbuy Clinical Trial: They convinced balding men to use dangerous (untested) chemotherapy drugs based on horrible science

I won’t go into extreme detail here as the main article talks about Jumpman and how he ran a telegram for HairDAO’s illegal human clinical trial experiment. Again, please go visit the main article for that information.

In this article we will be covering the research that Jumpman created and convinced a bunch of balding men had the potential in curing hair loss. To follow along, please visit this link where his work is kept preserved: This document is called the “Jumpman Cure Protocol”.

How Does The Protocol Work (According to Jumpman)

The Jumpman Cure Protocol is an experimental approach to treating hair loss, primarily focused on two distinct strategies: Wound-Induced Hair Neogenesis (WIHN) and the reversal of Hair Follicle Miniaturization.

When looking at the WIHN strategy, we can take note that involves using controlled microneedling to create micro-wounds on the scalp, followed by the application of specific drugs that modulate biochemical pathways like Wnt signaling to stimulate the formation of new hair follicles.

The second strategy targets the reversal of hair follicle miniaturization, a key feature of androgenetic alopecia. This involves using a combination of drugs that block androgen receptors and inhibit androgen synthesis, along with agents that influence other pathways implicated in follicle shrinkage and fibrosis.

Jumpman claims that this process can work synergistically across multiple biological mechanisms to both promote new hair growth and restore miniaturized follicles to their full size.

But is any of this true?

1. Jumpman Doesn’t Provide ANY Citations For His Research

Jumpman doesn’t provide any citations for his research. Typically, in a scientific paper, whether amateur or professional, some form of citation is expected. Citations are crucial because they enable readers to verify the sources of the data and interpretations, potentially catching any misinterpretations made by the researcher. When I make my videos on my YouTube channel, I always try to make sure that my sources are listed so others may verify if my interpretations are correct. Not only does this help me learn more, but it leads to more fruitful conversations and debates.

Furthermore, if we had citations provided in the protocol, we would be getting transparency which would allow us to see where Jumpman’s ideas originate. Even the most esteemed scientists need to cite their sources to justify their claims and speculative theories. The process of standing on the shoulders of giants underscores that every new discovery builds upon previous knowledge, making citations an essential part of scientific discourse.

2. HairDAO’s Illegal Human Experiment involves the use of 24 compounds used in the same time period.

When evaluating the effectiveness of a treatment, especially one intended as a drug or therapy, conducting clinical trials is essential. The clinical trial process involves three phases, each progressively more rigorous and requiring increased scrutiny of the treatment. Before entering these phases, treatments are typically tested in preclinical trials using animal and cell models to assess safety and efficacy.

Learn more here:

In Phase 1, the treatment is tested on a small group of healthy volunteers to evaluate its safety, determine a safe dosage range, and identify side effects. Phase 2 expands to a larger group of people with the targeted condition to assess the treatment’s efficacy and further evaluate its safety. By Phase 3, the trial includes an even larger population to confirm its effectiveness, monitor side effects, and compare it to commonly used treatments.

An essential aspect of clinical trials is the reduction of variables, which helps ensure the reliability of the results. This is why the double-blind, placebo-controlled, multi-center study is often considered the gold standard for drug and therapy approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In such studies, neither the participants nor the researchers know who is receiving the treatment or the placebo, which helps eliminate bias and provides a clear assessment of the treatment’s true efficacy.

So, how does Jumpman expect to carry out his actual trial? First of all, his protocol involves using 24 chemicals. Let’s ignore the possible safety and side effects and unknown drug interactions that may occur with the Jumpman Protocol (we will be covering that aspect shortly). Let’s play devil’s advocate here and say that Jumpman was able to improve the hair of the human subjects that were involved in the trial.

Okay, so how would Jumpman know which of the 24 chemicals were effective? Perhaps it was a combination of two or maybe three of the chemicals that synergistically led to hair improvements.

Or maybe it was only 19 of the chemicals. It’s also possible that the untested and unapproved chemotherapy drugs somehow caused the hair growth.

Of course, it would be very difficult to run a clinical trial that compares two treatments against each other and a placebo group. First, in a high-quality study, you would need a design that looks something like this: treatment 1 vs. treatment 2 vs. treatment 1 and 2 together vs. placebo. Depending on the specific details you want to derive, the issue becomes even more complicated.

Well, as it turns out, a user by the name of “gnathan” on my discord server did the math.

Some math for the potential combinations in this protocol

Jumpman’s protocol, which involves using a combination of 24 different chemicals in an attempt to treat hair loss goes to show how outrageous HairDAO’s approach to creating clinical trials is. The combinatorial possibilities of these chemicals are staggering, especially when considering the vast number of potential negative interactions and side effects that may exist among them.

When it comes to the math, choosing a subset of chemicals from a set of 24 is given by binomial coefficients, denoted as…

LOGIC: (24k)\binom{24}{k}(k24​), where k represents the number of chemicals in each subset.

For example….

  1. (241)\binom{24}{1}(124​) counts the number of ways to choose 1 chemical
  2. (242)\binom{24}{2}(224​) counts the number of ways to choose 2 chemicals…
  3. and so on…
  4. Now, for the full range of chemicals, we will iterate on k from 1 to 24 which would give the total number of non-empty combinations that can be formed from the 24 chemicals.

Our formula would look something like this:

∑k=1n(nk)=2n−1\sum_{k=1}^{n} \binom{n}{k} = 2^n — 1∑k=1n​(kn​)=2n−1

For Jumpman’s 24 chemicals, this calculation looks like:

  1. ∑k=124(24k)=224−1=16,777,215\sum_{k=1}^{24} \binom{24}{k} = 2^{24} — 1 = 16,777,215

As you can see, the sum represents 16,777,215 possible combinations, each a potential formulation that Jumpman could consider in his protocol. Given this enormous number, determining which specific combination might be effective, let alone safe, is practically impossible.

Each combination of chemicals has its unique potential for interaction, both positive and negative. These interactions could enhance the effectiveness, neutralize each other, or, more worryingly, create harmful side effects. In fact, I would argue that there’s more room for severe harm than any positive hair growth effects.

3. HairDAO’s Illegal Human Clinical Trial is Irrational and Harmful

From HairDAO’s magazine (issue No.4) where it is stated that Jumpman is leading HairDAOs gene target pathway map. Posted to Issuu:

We have yet to consider the possible impurities that may exist in these chemical compounds, especially the experimental chemotherapeutics, sourced from black market labs in China. I will quickly remind you how people became sick after using two such compounds that contained impurities. Direct your attention to the screenshots below:

Someone becomes sick after using the chemicals purchased from Jumpman/HairDAO’s illegal human clinical trial.
A member of the Jumpman/HairDAO illegal human clinical trial reports blood in their semen

Jumpman’s protocol and “research” might as well have amounted to searching up a random pathway that may be implicated in hair follicle regeneration and growth and then attempting to go on Wikipedia and find some random chemical that either over expresses that pathway or suppresses and/or silences it.

HairDAO lead researcher Jumpman Using Chemotherapeutic Drugs to Regrow Hair In Illegal Human Clinical Trial

Now, I’ve been talking about these chemotheraputics in Jumpman’s Protocol so I’ll finally take the time to introduce them quickly; these chemotherapeutic drugs (some still in investigation and unapproved) are Vemurafenib, Sapanisertib, and Domatinostat.


Vemurafenib, known by its brand name Zelboraf, is a medication used to treat melanoma (a serious type of skin cancer that begins in cells called melanocytes — the cells responsible for giving skin its color — and with recent speculation and observations in animal models, potentially within the hair follicle). Vemurafenib works by inhibiting, or stopping, a specific mutation in cancer cells called BRAF V600E. This mutation causes the cells to grow and divide uncontrollably.

When Vemurafenib inhibits this mutation, it slows down or stops the abnormal cell growth. The BRAF V600E mutation is part of a larger signaling system within cells known as the MAPK pathway, which normally helps cells grow and divide. However, when this pathway is overactive due to the mutation, it can lead to cancer. By blocking this pathway, Vemurafenib prevents the cancer cells from growing and eventually leads to their death, helping to control the spread of the melanoma.

HairDAO’s illegal human experimenter, Jumpman, states in his protocol that “Application of a BRAF (part of EGF pathway) inhibitor on days 2 and 4 post-wounding increases Wnt signaling and hair neogenesis…” and that he will, use Vemurafenib on days 2 through 4 during his “post-wounding”. Jumpman also states that Vemurifenib increases the “Fzd7 Wnt receptor expression” and this may result to him using it daily on his scalp skin. Mind you, this is in conjunction with microneedling, he and his human subjects are certainly getting this chemo-drug introduced systemically.

It should also be noted that Jumpman is being reckless in his assertions and speculations as they could only get someone hurt. Jumpman doesn’t seem to realize that cancer cells are not normal cells. Therefore, we can’t expect for drugs like Vemurafenib to suppress similar pathways and increase others in normal, non-cancerous cells. In fact, I could only assume Vemurafenib potentially causing more severe skin cancers. You see, it is well known within the literature that chemotherapeutic drugs may cause for certain cancers to get worse, or even at times, for patients to develop new cancers. Unfortunately, this is a side effect of Vemurafenib as noted in “Cutaneous Side Effects of BRAF Inhibitors in Advanced Melanoma: Review of the Literature” written Bilgen Gençler and Müzeyyen Gönül. The two authors state…

Both benign and malignant skin lesions occurred as side effects during BRAFi treatment. Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC) and keratoacanthoma (KA) were seen more frequently. The incidence rate of cSCC or KA development was 22.2%–26% in Sanlorenzo et al.’s study…The underlying mechanism of cutaneous neoplasia was paradoxical activation of the MAPK pathway in sun-damaged skin cells with preexisting RAS mutations…Basal cell carcinoma was also observed in patients during treatment with both vemurafenib (13.3%) and dabrafenib (4%)…

Andy1 also known as Andrew Bakst is seen here in the HairDAO official discord server talking about how “JM” also known as Jumpman cut millions of dollars of research and FDA regulatory compliances to “tens of thousands” by performing an illegal human clinical trial.
A snapshot from the HairDAO’s discord server. Here, “Averbs123” also known as Andrew Verbinnen announces the official partnership with Jumpman.

Cancer medications and cancer in general involves dysregulated environments where at any moment a single pathway may be upregulated causing for further random mutations. HairDAO sponsoring this clinical trial along with co-founders (Andrew Verbinnen and Andrew Bakst) of the project asking for the bloodwork data and applauding Jumpman for reducing the research costs from millions to only tens of thousands shows how negligent the co-founders are and how they lack any understanding of how these drugs work.

Sapanisertib and Domatinostat

Sapanisertib and domatinostat are two chemotherapeutics that are still in clinical trials. Their side effect profiles are unknown and potential drug interactions as well. Considering how Jumpman is using this along side Vemurafenib on his subjects, another chemotherapeutic, I could only assume harmful things will happen here. If not now then likely in the future.

Some More Errors in HairDAO’s lead researcher…

Jumpman points to Mice for the use of a potent drug which down regulates gene expression

In the image above, Jumpman seems to take the concept of “Of Mice and Men” to heart. Instead of fulfilling his plans of regrowing long-lost and dead hair follicles, he might be chasing fool’s gold. Jumpman has applied knowledge from mouse studies, ignoring the significant differences in physiology and genetics between mice and humans. Skipping essential testing phases and moving directly to human trials without thorough validation is risky. Many lab mice are also genetically modified to lack an immune system, making them more responsive to manipulations that wouldn’t work in mice in the wild let alone humans. This gap underscores the dangers and impracticalities of directly translating results from mice to humans without extensive testing. HairDAO has already established itself as being anti National Institutes of Health for the reason of the NIH funding “too many mice studies”.

Jumpman Gets Confronted By a Cancer Biologist on Reddit

Follow the archive link here:

Jumpman argues with Cancer Biologist on Reddit

Here, you can see Jumpman arguing with reddit user JerseySeed who claims to be a cancer biologist. Now, it is the internet and anyone can claim to be anything when they’re pretty much anonymous. However, I’m more inclined to believe what JerseySeed is saying here. Much of Jumpman’s Protocol makes use of chemotherapy drugs to grow hair. He has no knowledge of whether these chemicals are safe or what the established safe doses are. Nor does HairDAO/Jumpman have proof that it would stimulate hair follicle regeneration or hair growth. Jumpman doesn’t even cite his sources. If anything, there’s more proof of a protocol like this causing cancer.

I would like to remind you that people are buying these chemicals as powders and solutions. That is, they do not get these chemicals pre-compounded. This is important because this provided yet another variable to this illegal human ‘clinical trial’ that HairDAO core team members have conducted. I think they should have a look at the FDA’s regulations when it comes to human clinical trials and how HairDAO, under the guise of “the greater good” and payments in $HAIR Crypto and investment, went along to encourage and source out the patient bio metric data such as blood work in order to run this highly illicit operation.

In fact, more on this in the next article, as HairDAO may have messed up by running this operation with a derivative of a federal controlled substance: dimethyltryptamine also known as DMT.

Jumpman says everything is theorized to work…

I’m wondering what Dr. Claire Higgins of the Imperial College of London thinks about her pseudonymous colleague, that according to HairDAO (archive link: she is working with on designing a “separate study”. Well, this study that she is doing is based on Jumpman’s research. So, which research was it? The illegal human clinical trial conducted with chemo medication?

