喝檸檬酒🍋,跟安卓布洛迪冒險 A glass of Limoncello to get into Adrien Brody’s romantic adventure

Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink
Published in
4 min readDec 31, 2017

電影《情慾三重奏》(Third Person)是我開始著迷餐後喝檸檬酒的起點;但不是因為主角連恩尼遜(Liam Neeson)跟頂極美女奧莉薇亞懷爾德(Olivia Wilde)有絕美床戲。

I started to be fascinated by Limoncello after a movie called “Third Person”. But I couldn’t give this credit to Liam Neeson & stunning beautiful Olivia Wilde.

讓人著迷的是編導保羅哈吉斯寫的支線劇情:安卓布洛迪(Adrien Brody)在言語不通的義大利,邂逅神秘、性感、帶著吉普賽氣質的義大利美女,展開一連串幻真難辨的情慾冒險。

The character created by Paul Haggis & played by Adrien Brody really got me in this movie.

這場情慾冒險,始於安卓布洛迪在小酒館的一杯檸檬酒,當他看到由茉蘭阿緹亞絲(Moran Atias)飾演的美女,驚為天人,立刻跟酒保說:「她喝甚麼,也給我來一杯!」,而在邀請美女再續一杯檸檬酒過程中,逐步陷入無法自拔的情慾漩渦。

Adrien Brody’s romantic adventure in movie “Third Person” started from drinking Limoncello with a mysterious beauty played by Moran Atias.

A glass of Limoncello could turn your life upside down in an Italian & romantic way.


A sip of Limoncello could give you the strong aroma of Italian lemon. In a half-drunk vibe, you would enter a world of your imagination.


A lot of Italian don’t have any desserts after meals. They would take the lemonade sorbet or Limoncello.

That’s really a smart move after a rich meal. The sour, the sweet & the aroma of Limoncello could make you calm after a heavy dinner.


I was always trying to find some Limoncello in supermarkets of Taiwan. I like the process of searching. It’s a kind of romantic move for me.




Kyle Chu 微風捕手
🥃 Drink

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