3 min readJan 23, 2020

How to Win Client’s and Influence Audience with B2B Lead Generation

Is this title seem familiar to you? No, we ain’t talking about B2B Lead Generation, that’s an add-on. What our title say’s that’s actually all companies want to achieve in reality. But Is that easy? You are not the only one in the market, probably you have a competitor, and they are trying everything on their order to put others down. That’s the reality!

Last year in 2019 was a completely a year of updates! Google got back to back updates making things tougher & tougher for the marketer to survive in the market. Due to updates, the algorithm is constantly improvising and getting smarter day by day, and if you are still trying old-short way’s to rank your keywords; eventually it will get harsh on you only.

Not only algorithms or Software, but the content addressing consumers at every step to buyers’ journey also creates and the journey has to develop increasingly educated consumers.

As per Hubspot State of the inbound report, 61% of businesses saying that lead generation is their biggest marketing objection.

Before you get into strategies or building your own marketing strategies. Firstly, you should understand your audience.

What’re your potential customers want?

Whether you are selling product or service the first thing is to find out the needs. Domineering that you already understand your target audience “as you should, by know’’ and strategies them accordingly. The prior thing is to understand the pain points of the customer, and what value to be delivered to the customer.

Eventually, how to tailor a message while communicating with clients or customers. While your data should make sense that’s why we invest time in research, surveying consumers, and information.

What value your business can deliver?

Your product is unique that’s great! But if you’re marketing strategy isn’t fresh and unique as your product, then it’s all gone into veins. To get an edge in the industry, first, you need to develop (USP) a Unique Selling Proposition.

A USP differentiates between you and others and provides a sense of understanding to your target market; Why they buy product & service from you over other competitors — what can you value you can deliver to your potential customer and value to the proposition.

Define Your Lead

Defining a specific niche is the first thing while running a business. If you ain’t aware of your business goals and outreach, you cannot generate leads. But for the accomplishment of the project, involvement of both (Sales & Marketing). Moreover, then your lead generation but this step can help you to align your Sales & Marketing.

After Purchase Process

This is where a lot of marketers to make a mistake. They indulge so much in generating leads and acquiring customers, they forgot the basics. Okay, let’s understand like this! You acquire a lead turn into a potential customer, he makes the purchase and after that? Nothing!

A satisfied customer can bring more potential customers, moreover, a customer is much beneficial in acquiring more publicity, especially in this era of Social Media.


You must’ve seen, everyone is buzzing about 2020 tactic to generate leads. Duh! We are over it… Before generating leads or any building any marketing strategy, you should understand the customer behavior towards your business. Finally, you are doing for your customers! Moreover, it will make things a lot easy for you to escalate your business and marketing strategy by keeping the user in mind.


I am interested in Creative things. I am professional Digital Marketer.