Ecosystem Update: LAMINA1 Early Access Program Welcomes 6 New Partners Across XR, Gaming, and Creator Tooling

6 min readJun 2, 2023


Each new member was selected for their outstanding contributions in the immersive, gaming, and XR spaces, or their innovation in enabling technologies that simplify the integration of metaverse experiences with blockchain tech.

Introducing the six new members of the L1 Early Access Program

Heads up L1 community. We’ve got one more major update as we round out our week at #AWE2023. Introducing the second cohort of the LAMINA1 Early Access Program — a select group of open metaverse companies and developers who have been invited to build early on L1.

Get the details via the Media Alert that went out this morning below:

[LOS ANGELES, CA | JUNE 5, 2023] — LAMINA1, a blockchain optimized for the open metaverse, is excited to announce the second cohort of its Early Access Program. Joining 12 existing content and infrastructure partners across gaming, fashion, music, film, and beyond, the LAMINA1 Early Access Program will now add 6 new partners to the program, including experiential metaverse platform Mira, multiuser metaverse platform Croquet, web-based metaverse creator platform Alakazam, and others.

Launched in March 2023, the LAMINA1 Early Access Program (EAP) aims to provide personalized support, documentation, and a tight feedback loop for a limited number of partners and developers leveraging blockchain and LAMINA1’s creator tooling.

Under the program, members are inducted into an elite cohort of developers who can receive assistance in testing, integrating, and onboarding their technologies and experiences onto LAMINA1 — with the opportunity to feature on the emerging Open Metaverse platform at launch.

Find out more at

The first members of the LAMINA1 Early Access Program were selected for their impressive work in the immersive, gaming, and XR spaces, each with a proven track record of building engaging, high-fidelity experiences. This latest cohort builds upon that vision, while expanding it to include enabling technologies that make it easier for creators to step up to the metaverse while using blockchain tech in their experiences.

As of this week, new LAMINA1 EAP partners include:

Alakazam: A Maine-based start-up that pioneers the creation of virtual worlds, 3D websites, and event-hosting environments. Alakazam’s platform offers an impressively smooth on-ramp to 3D web experiences, featuring full-body avatars, custom URLs, web hosting, and a library of richly designed templates. Alakazam is an Oracle metaverse partner, powered by OCI to deliver the most engaging and high performance social WebXR experiences possible right in the web browser.

Croquet: An OS/synchronization system for multiuser Open Metaverse experiences, enabling multiple users to collaborate and interact within a shared distributed environment with guaranteed bit-identical replication for all participants.

Interverse: A one-stop provider of unique Social Gameplay experiences for brands and enterprises entering the Web3 space. Interverse assists global sports clubs, fashion brands, and enterprises in launching digital collectible (NFT) avatars and items directly into metaverse experiences, fostering social gameplay for fans and communities.

Metaiye Media: A CryptoMedia company aiming to transform ownership through storytelling and play. It’s lead franchise metaKnyts, a multi-episodic multi-format saga on the evolution of the decentralized internet, is believed to be the first comic minted on chain. Its collectibles (NFTs), motion-comics and metaVerse game underpin a storyworld experience foretelling the rise of a new social, economic, political and mystical paradigm underpinned by decentralized money, decentralized information and decentralized artificial intelligence.

Mira: A hyper-realistic experiential metaverse that bridges reality with virtual worlds. Anchored in geography, Mira opens up new playgrounds at the crossroads of reality and magic, culture and entertainment, social networks and commerce. Leveraging next-gen digital twin, LIDAR, XR, and in-engine technology, the platform engages users to explore, contribute, and socialize in the thrilling new territory of the 3D Internet.

Lovelace Studios: Lovelace is building an AI-driven world-generation platform: Nyric. Within these realms, Players use prompts to rapidly create any kind of world they can imagine. These narrated, craftable worlds are propagated with LLM-chained NPCs that respond dynamically per their memory and environments.

“We are thrilled to partner with LAMINA1 and leverage their blockchain technology and creator tooling to power the future of immersive experiences on Mira,” said Mira Co-Founder and CEO Gaspard Giroud in a recent press release covering the announcement. “This collaboration brings us a solid foundation for our growing community of XR/immersive creators, empowering them to create sustainably on our platform and push the boundaries of what is possible in the metaverse.”

Mira x L1 announcement video presented by LAMINA1 co-founder Neal Stephenson at AWE 2023.

Under the LAMINA1 EAP program, partners will collaborate with LAMINA1 on the testing and development of various offerings and developments, including:

  • Unity, Unreal and Web SDKs. Providing feedback on quality, bugs and feature set when building experiences and applications that use the Lamina1 blockchain.
  • Lamina1 Web Wallet and Blockchain Explorer. Providing insights and input on consumer user journeys such as new user onboarding experience, ease of use in managing funds, and minting and trading NFTs.
  • Metaverse as a Service (MaaS). Providing feedback on LAMINA1’s MaaS offerings/creator tooling solutions such as multiplayer game services and data storage, as these become available.
Read Croquet’s official announcement about the partnership here.

“This isn’t just an exciting time for Croquet, but also for the advancement of the Open Metaverse,” said John Payne, CEO of Croquet about joining the L1 Early Access Program. “The metaverse is here to stay and growing, and the combination of Croquet’s innate multiplayer capabilities combined with LAMINA1’s blockchain-optimized, flexible framework will empower the global community of open metaverse creators to create vibrant, powerful, useful and connected worlds like never before. I’m excited to see what the future holds.”

“We are extremely excited to join the LAMINA1 Early Access Program and collaborate with other partners in delivering innovative gaming and social experiences for the sport industry and beyond,” said Kevin Oranje, CEO at Interverse. “We look forward to working closely with LAMINA1 and our fellow partners to push the boundaries of what is possible in the metaverse, and to bring new levels of social gameplay and immersion to brands and enterprises entering the Web3 space.”

Interverse x L1 announcement video presented by LAMINA1 co-founder Neal Stephenson at AWE 2023.

The addition of these partnerships underscores LAMINA1’s commitment to supporting creators across gaming, entertainment, fashion, music, and beyond as the open metaverse emerges and evolves — and invites all members to bring fresh perspectives and interesting use-cases across content creation, infrastructure development, hardware, and tool building to help inform future development, design, features, and operations on LAMINA1.

“Today, making metaverse experiences is easier said than done. Making that metaverse open and a level playing field takes even more detailed work and effort,” said Jamil Moledina, VP Games Partnerships & Media at LAMINA1. “As much as we outlined this vision in our white papers, no one company can accomplish this alone. This is why our latest EAP cohort is so important, they each play a vital role in solving the technical and deal-making complexities in making the open metaverse work, so that tomorrow, creators can just focus on creation.”

Those interested in finding out more about the Lamina1 Early Access Program or getting can visit or join the community at


LAMINA1 is a blockchain optimized for the open metaverse — providing builders and creators a flexible framework for a better online future. The organization was founded in June 2022 by renowned author and futurist Neal Stephenson, who originated the term “metaverse” in his 1992 novel Snow Crash, and crypto pioneer Peter Vessenes, digital currency expert and founder of the first venture-backed Bitcoin company.

Its mission is to deliver the infrastructure, API, and tooling needed to empower a vibrant, global community of open metaverse creators — championing the development of a robust, performant and interoperable ecosystem that gives builders and consumers more agency and ownership in the next online era.

