October Updates: Spaces, Items, Premium Usernames & More are Now Live on the LAMINA1 Hub

7 min readOct 30, 2023


Dive in to our latest Spaces, features, and updates at https://hub.lamina1.com

Attention LAMINA1 Builders. The L1 core team just pushed a major update live to the LAMINA1 Hub. This update brings a host of exciting new features to the L1 Betanet platform, including:

  • The launch of our first demo Space:Space Lasers” a simple arcade game that showcases the initial framework for LAMINA1 Spaces in action
  • Our first collection of NFT Items: Collectible in-game, featuring original artwork from five L1 community members — the winners of our latest L1 Creator Competition.
  • Premium Usernames: e.g. names without the 4-number hash attached to the end of them, which you can now purchase and reserve for the low price of 1 L1 Betanet token each.
  • Plus, a number of bug fixes and UI improvements that were tested, surfaced, and requested by the L1 community following our previous September feature launch.

For more information, check out the video below for a quick, audiovisual overview of what’s new this month:

Behind the Features

While these new features may seem simple on the surface, they represent a major step forward for our developers in establishing the foundation for an open metaverse. Let’s next break down these new additions:

Spaces: Building the Open Metaverse of the Future

LAMINA1 Spaces are the heart of our October feature launch. In the latest update to the L1 Users and Developers’ Guide, we define Spaces as:

“Individual metaverse worlds or experiences that are interactive, interoperable, and support digital items of all different types.”

As LAMINA1 expands, Spaces will span across all different genres (gaming, fashion, entertainment, education, etc.), formats (2D, 3D, AR, VR) and metaverse access points (browser-based, downloadable). They will be created with any toolset, coding language, or game engine of their builders’ choice.

More importantly, every individual Space on LAMINA1 will be entirely designed, developed, and hosted by the creators that built them. What unites them (we hope) will be an underlying commitment to an open and interoperable metaverse that empowers users to shape their digital experiences independently of centralized control or monopolistic influences — ensuring a truly inclusive and democratic virtual realm where individual freedom and diversity thrive.

We can’t wait for you to dive into both the new Space, and the new docs detailing how we built “Space Lasers” — and we’re already sharing the experience and source code with our partners to inform the upcoming launch of a handful of future Spaces on the LAMINA1 Hub.

For now, launching a Space on LAMINA1 is still reserved for our Early Access Partners, who will give us integral feedback, help us build upon the process for deployment and publication, and inform the creator tools we develop to help builders easily onboard, register, and publish their Spaces.

From there, we will open these features up to any creator/developer with a LAMINA1 Hub account. It’s about to get very interesting on the LAMINA1 Betanet, and we’re excited for you to take that first step with us.

NFT Items: Beyond Digital Collectibles

Meanwhile, the NFT Items embedded within “Space Lasers” and featured in our new ‘Items’ Tab on the LAMINA1 Hub showcase facets of NFT use-cases in the open metaverse we’d really like to test and build upon alongside the L1 community.

As you’ll see while playing the demo Space, NFT lasers within “Space Lasers” go beyond simple digital art or PFP collectibles. Instead, they bring utility to the experience, allowing users to equip, interact with, and actually use that NFT, while potentially integrating their data and attributes into other Spaces in the future.

We also incorporated one Soul-bound NFT Award in the experience, which we’d like to test out to lay the foundation for users to begin establishing a truly verifiable digital identity in the open metaverse — with social value, reputation, and trustworthiness attached to it.

Additional new entries in the L1 Users and Developers Guide will take you behind the scenes of the smart contracts, metadata, and architectural innovations behind Space Lasers and its NFT laser collection, and how creators can use this information to begin structuring their own experiences for launch on LAMINA1.

Additional Updates: Identity Service Upgrades & Mobile Responsiveness on the LAMINA1 Hub

Finally, we’re excited to announce that Premium Usernames are now available for purchase to all L1 Betanet users, along with a number of additional easter eggs for customizing your open metaverse identity you can find in the ‘Settings’ Page of the LAMINA1 Hub. These new features are incorporated directly into the “Space Lasers” demo experience, and will continue to be built upon as new features and Spaces roll out.

Over the next few months, we’ll be using this infrastructure and guidelines to roll out a number of experiences (including gaming, entertainment, fashion, etc.) on the LAMINA1 Betanet for early testing — many of which will be interoperable with this demo itself.

Eventually, we’ll be open sourcing the entire “Space Lasers” demo for developers to pull apart and build off of when launching their own metaverse experiences and asset collections.

Some of those pieces are already live on the LAMINA GitHub for builders to dive into at: https://github.com/lamina1/spaces-registry

Community Inputs

Alongside the October Feature launch, the L1 community team is publishing a number of Quests this week that will help incentivize early testing of this new ‘Spaces’ framework and collect requests and feedback from everyone as we kick off this next phase of development.

To complete these Quests, head to our latest deployment of the LAMINA1 Hub at: https://hub.lamina1.com

Start by Purchasing a Premium Username first via the ‘Settings’ Tab of your LAMINA1 Hub. Then navigate to the ‘Space Lasers’ game from your Hub ‘Home’ Tab and start playing to earn the in-game items you’ll need to complete the Quests.

NOTE: There is no way on the LAMINA1 Hub to give away or transfer these items, so you will need to actually PLAY THE GAME to collect them.

Once you’ve unlocked some lasers, you can view them in your new ‘Items’ Tab by heading to https://hub.lamina1.com/items.

A full walkthrough of how to navigate into the new Space Lasers demos and how to play the game can be found in this new section of the L1 Users & Developers Guide.

Full instructions on how exactly to complete each Quest can also be found in the challenges themselves at https://zealy.io/lamina1

While you’re testing, we have a handy feedback form ready here for you to fill in while playing the game and checking out your new NFT Items, which you can also redeem for XP via our dedicated Quest system.

Things we’re most interested in learning about from the entire L1 community:

  • How easy was it to access the new features?
  • Did they seem intuitive and streamlined to you?
  • What kind of Spaces would you like to explore on LAMINA1 as testing and development continues?

From more experienced builders/developers, we’re interested in your inputs on:

  • The interoperable metadata infrastructure and smart contract recommendations we laid out for the demo
  • The integration architecture we’re developing for Spaces
  • Whether or not you’re interested in launching a Space or asset collection on the LAMINA1 Betanet once these tools open up to all creators in a couple of months.

What’s Next?

The journey doesn’t end here. We’ll continue to develop “Space Lasers” based on user feedback and future integrations with upcoming Spaces on the LAMINA1 Hub — including the Persona Collective experience L1 co-founder Peter Vessenes soft-launched for initial testing over the Halloween weekend.

In the future, we will expand the Space Lasers toolset and experience to test out upcoming integrations for customizable avatars, profiles/leaderboards, native Space tokens, Storage/Payments/Messaging services, interoperable “Space Sets” and beyond.

Other upcoming launches we have on our Betanet roadmap include:

  • A new ‘Studio’ Tab where creators will be able to create their own items, set item transfer policies, and set item rights & royalties directly from the Hub
  • Creator Storefronts where people can buy, sell, and exchange Items, manage Storefront rules, and be discovered by other worldbuilders and developers on LAMINA1
  • No-Code Space tools that allow builders and developers to register and publish Spaces, set Space permissions, and deploy their creations to thousands of early open metaverse adopters
  • Avatar/Identity improvements that further empower users to take their identity and assets with them across various open metaverse Spaces
  • Additional tools for metaverse citizens to discover Spaces, view their Item activity, and stay up-to-date on Spaces they’re involved in directly from the LAMINA1 Hub.
  • Plus the upcoming roll-out of a Grants Program for creators, where builders can apply for mainnet token or cash grants to cover the costs of developing and launching their experiences on LAMINA1.

The open metaverse is truly coming to life on the LAMINA1 Hub over the next few months, and we’re excited for you to participate in its development.

Stay tuned on the L1 Discord. And Keep Building.


