What To Look For In A Shooting Instructor

What To Look For In A Shooting Instructor — From the Shooting Range in Los Angeles

LAX Firing Range
2 min readAug 20, 2018

Resume does matter, but an instructor need not have served in the military or fought in a war to be a good candidate. We have met many good shooting instructors that have no combat experience. However, we would recommend investigating your potential instructors’ resumes to ensure that they are not embellishing.

Does An Instructor Need To Know How To Shoot?

People have asked if it’s important to be a good shooter to teach shooting. The answer is if you are a beginner, that may be true, but if you are looking for advanced instruction, then the instructor needs to know how to shoot. They may not necessarily be the best in their class, but they should at least be competent shooters.

Does Your Instructor Need To Carry A Gun?

If you are searching for an instructor, we recommend choosing an instructor who actually carries a gun. As obvious as this seems, we actually encounter this problem often.

Can You Use The Tools At Hand?

We once heard a story about an instructor who chastised his students for not carrying the exact kind of rifle that he carried. A good instructor will teach his students to use whatever tools are at their disposal. Ultimately, a student should leave a class more proficient with whatever weapon he has. A good instructor should instill confidence and not put them down for having the wrong tools.

Can Your Instructor Ditch The Tricked Out Gun And Shoot A Stock Gun?

Many instructors use a gun that they have modified to their exact liking. However, sometimes they get so used to that firearm that they cannot effectively use a stock gun. It is important to make sure that your instructor can effectively use a stock gun and not just their special modified piece.

Is Your Instructor Good With Innovation?

The opposite of the instructor who can only shoot with his modified gun is one who can’t tolerate their students using modified weapons. Instructors should have an open-minded opinion of firearms and the possible innovations that can be made. Some instructors are just too stuck in their ways to appreciate the possibility of modifications.

About LAX Range — Shooting Range in Los Angeles

LAX Range is a top shooting range in Los Angeles and has provided its community with amazing service for over a decade. To learn more about the shooting range in Los Angeles contact us today.



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