🎤 MEET RICK ROLL RICK SCOTT: A sham environmentalist trying to deceive Florida voters

3 min readApr 8, 2018


Sham environmentalist Rick Scott is expected to announce his bid for U.S. Senate on Facebook Monday, beginning the latest chapter in a long saga of Scott attempting to deceive Floridians about his record on offshore drilling, climate change, and protecting the beaches and other special places that drive Florida’s tourism economy.

To avoid getting hypnotized by Rick Scott’s trickery, the League of Conservation Voters would like to introduce you to @RickRollRickSct — on a mission to keep Florida voters from being rick rolled by Scott’s deceit.

Rick Roll Rick Scott wants you to know the facts about Scott’s environmental record:

1. Rick Scott is a climate change denier who censored science

Rick Scott said “no” when asked if he believes in climate change because he has “not been convinced that there’s any man-made climate change.” He repeatedly said that he was “not a scientist” when asked for his views on the causes and implications of climate change, and he banned the Florida government from using the terms “climate change,” “global warming” and “sustainability.”

2. Rick Scott supported pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Climate Agreement and puts drilling for more fossil fuels ahead of conservation

Rick Scott defended the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement, saying it was “very clearly going to hurt jobs” despite Florida’s growing renewable energy economy. Besides advocating for offshore drilling, Scott also said that he could support a “cautious” amount of drilling in the world-renowned Florida Everglades.

3. Rick Scott championed offshore drilling and didn’t stand up to the Trump administration’s vast drilling expansion

Rick Scott repeatedly advocated for offshore drilling, even opposing a drilling moratorium after the Deepwater Horizon spill. He opposed a constitutional amendment to ban offshore drilling in Florida and didn’t reject Trump’s drilling expansion when given the chance. Instead he orchestrated a political stunt to appear to save Florida’s coasts from offshore drilling, despite the plan remaining under consideration to this day.

4. Rick Scott stymied efforts to prepare the state for sea level rise and other consequences of climate change

Rick Scott directed Florida’s Department of Environmental Protection to stop pursuing any and all climate change projects. He also abolished the Florida Energy & Climate Commission, which made recommendations on efforts to fight climate change. Under Scott’s leadership, Florida’s environmental agencies were downsized and retooled, making them ineffective at coordinating sea level rise response in the state.

“As governor, Rick Scott has been a disaster for Florida’s environment,” said Aliki Moncrief, Executive Director of Florida Conservation Voters. “Under Rick Scott’s leadership, Florida’s drinking water has become less safe, our parks are underfunded, and our conservation programs — which once set the gold standard for the country — have been all but dismantled. Rick Scott can try to deceive Floridians all he wants, but his record speaks for itself. When it comes to defending our shores from offshore drilling or fighting climate change, he simply can’t be trusted.”

Paid for by the League of Conservation Voters, www.lcv.org, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.




The League of Conservation Voters (LCV) works to turn environmental values into state, local, and national priorities.