Duterte, two-faced puppet amid US, China sweepstakes — LFS

League of Filipino Students
3 min readMay 21, 2018


photo grabbed from Anakbayan

The League of Filipino Students denounces the Duterte regime for being a two-faced puppet amid the insistence of incursion and military power by imperialist countries US and China.

“Despite China’s all-out invasion of our territorial integrity, Duterte has continued to cast his hopes on China to save his looming ouster and failure in his dream dictatorship. Despite the historical social injustices brought by the US military intervention on our shores, this cheap dictator has surrendered our national sovereignty and even further allowed the entry of more US troops in our country”, League of Filipino Students National Spokesperson Kara Taggaoa said.

The Philippines is the US’ most enduring defense treaty conformist as Duterte allowed the entry of 3,000 US soldiers, warships, jetfighters, drones and other military equipment in this year’s Balikatan exercises. Hiding under the guise of ‘interoperability’, the 34th US-RP Balikatan exercises is once again used as a mechanism by the US to conduct war games in the Philippine territory. The US military makes use of Duterte’s AFP as hostages to intensify military strength in the South China Sea to control the trade routes and encircle China.

“Duterte is the greatest beneficiary of the US military aid. Out of his fears that the US will abandon him in his dream dictatorship, he has continued with the lopsided military agreements with the US such as the Mutual Defense Treaty (MDT), Visiting Forces Agreement ( VFA), and Enhanced Defense Cooperation Agreement (EDCA). All of these agreements have provided extra-territorial rights to the US military, free intervention in our local affairs, and most of all, utilization of the country as a battleground for terrorist aggressions in Asia and other regions”, Taggaoa added.

On the other hand, Duterte also postures as a puppet of China as he allows China’s deployement of H-6K bomber planes which conducted military exercises and dropped strikes in the airspace in and around the Spratly islands.

“Duterte is a blind follower US and puppet impostor of China. He has welcomed, with open arms, the series of Chinese incursions to our territory and violations to our national sovereignty. He even offered our Filipino workforce to Xi Jin Ping as a form of his token and deception in exchange of all aids for his Oplan Tokhang, All-out war, and the Martial Law in Mindanao.Duterte is afraid to lose all the billions of dollars of promised China investments in the country, which he uses to fund and bribe his allied politicians and businessmen in the country”, Taggaoa added.

The League of Filipino Students reiterates its stand against all forms of imperialism and attacks on our territorial integrity and national sovereignty. The league declares its disgust and protests against the intensified US intervention through Balikatan exercises and the continued Chinese incursions in our country. LFS denounces the US government’s deception and hypocrisy in its statement against China’s militarization of the South China Sea. The US government and its military forces are still the number one terrorists in this country.

“The youth is resolute in the fight for national democracy and sovereignty. Neither China nor US could save us. Only through the militant struggle and painstaking resistance could the Filipino people triumph. Duterte is on his way out of the palace”, Taggaoa ended.



League of Filipino Students

The leading anti-imperialist organization of the Filipino youth. Fighting imperialism since 1977.