3 min readJan 22, 2018


When we talk about people taking offence, we talk about how they TAKE offence, offence is rarely given. People TAKE it. They literally go out their way to find some thing in the environment and take offence and store it inside them. Here’s the thing, people only ever take offence when something happens in their environment that highlights them to a part of themselves that they don’t love. If someone was to message me and say “Josh you are Fat”………..I won’t get offended by that because it’s not true. But if I was fat and I was very self-conscious about my weight and I didn’t love that part of myself and someone said it, I could take offence. It doesn’t even have to do with it not being true it’s got to do with you not loving it, beause if there’s a fat person who loves their fatness and they own it and the love it and someone says it……..they won't get offended.

So, when you walk out into the environment and you find that you’re the kind of person that gets offended by everything, it means there’s a lot of parts of yourself that you don’t love yet. Through beautiful and divine order the universe will drop into your environment people that highlight those parts to you. You’ll think that you’re surrounded by arseholes but yout’re not, you’re surrounded by teachers. Teachers that may not even know they’re being teachers but they are, they’re highlighting all the parts to you that you’ve dissociated from and haven’t decided to love yet. It’s the people that highlight that which feels like they’re pushing salt into a wound, they’re the people that make you grow. Not the people that are soft and try to beat around the bush and make you feel better. That’s not going to help you grow. That perpetuates weakness….. constantly judging people, judging yourself, hiding from the truth, taking offence to everything in the environment that’s really there to help you grow and teach you. hoping friends will be compassionate with you………………….you know what compassion means?….. Passion means to suffer, look up the origin of the word passion. Everybody promotes passion, compassion means two people suffering together. If you have compassionate friends it means they must have their own wounds from the past that they haven’t resolved, cleared and seen the blessing in yet. They have their own wounds and they want to suffer with you together.

I’m not a compassionate person, I have no wounds of the past. If someone has a problem or they’re facing a challenge, breakup or a death in the family or something like that………there are strategies to overcome them to see the blessing to move on and get empowered. I don’t have a shoulder to cry on that’s not what I’m here for, to cry with people. I want to teach them how to get on with it and it can be done, I’m doing it, I’ve done it for myself.

So to the people who have decided to take offence to me saying fuck a 9 to 5 here’s a couple questions.

  1. Do you like a 9 to 5 or the idea of it?

Because if you do, if you love it…..that’s great. You love it, I don’t love it. Everyone has their own opinion why would you get offended by that. I like prawns, if someone said fuck prawns…….who cares lol I dont care if you don’t like prawns

2. If you don’t like a 9 to 5 or the idea of it and I said fuck a 9 to 5 wouldn’t you agree?

Aren’t we on the same page then.

3. Is there a small chance that your necessity to work a 9 to 5 at this stage in your life match the fantasy that you had when you were younger about where you’d be at this point and does that make you feel a little uncomfortable?

If so here’s my advice. If it’s not something that you love, you either go and love it and be grateful for the 9 to 5/job exisitng or go and transcend it, love it or leave it.

If you don’t love it leave it, then you have nothing to judge.

