The DropCoin Project Mission, Vision, and Values

Lucas Johnson
4 min readOct 28, 2018


The DropCoin Project differentiates itself within the cryptocurrency space by upholding a set of values and guiding principles that are bigger than just wealth generation or even blockchain technology. By communicating our organization’s mission, vision, and core values externally we aim to provide the public with a better understanding of the change we seek to make, what differentiates us as a community, and how we view our role as early stewards of the DropCoin ecosystem.

Problems DropCoin Solves
The central problems the DropCoin Project helps solve are as follows:
⦁ In their current state, airdrops are often insecure, inefficient, and costly.
⦁ Staking and mining often require significant investment and are not understood by lay users.
⦁ Businesses and non-for-profits are eager to tap into the cryptocurrency market but need a point of entry.
⦁ Challenge in marketing to crypto users given bans on advertising from Facebook and Google

The Vision
“We envision a world where every cryptocurrency user can easily earn digital assets for supporting the projects that are meaningful to them.”

More broadly, we envision a world where:
⦁ cryptocurrency becomes mainstream and accessible to the masses
⦁ blockchain technology is made sustainable through Proof of Stake (POS)
⦁ blockchain technology is established as a sustainable means to empower vulnerable populations across the globe.

Our Mission
Over the past few months, DropCoin’s core contributors have deliberated the essential elements that should comprise our mission. A few of the central concepts that were discussed include: decentralization as a catalyst for innovation, philanthropic use cases at the center of our intrinsic motivation, staking as a means to empower users financially, making blockchain sustainable, and making cryptocurrency technology simpler and easier to use for the general public. Ultimately, we landed on the following mission statement:

“To create a new digital earning ecosystem where users can support their favorite projects and earn cryptocurrency”

Our Values
Our core values guide decision making processes from partnership considerations to product design and marketing strategy. The values which help chart our course and keep us aligned to our true north are as follows:

1. Integrity
We hold ourselves to the standard of never compromising morals or character for capital. We believe in earning and sustaining trust through transparency and delivering results. We’ve created a culture amongst our network where we’re constantly striving to improve while facing the facts realistically, humbly, and honestly. We perceive every challenge as an opportunity to choose virtue and grow as individuals and an organization.

2. Idea meritocracy through decentralization
As a globally dispersed network of core contributors, the DropCoin Project embodies the concept of innovation enabled through decentralization. Decisions are made through our decentralized governance model where we empower our contributors to know their opinions are heard, valued, and seriously considered. We have fostered the development of a decentralized ecosystem where a single point of failure is eliminated and the trajectory of DropCoin is determined by its coin holders.

3. Service to humanity
DropCoin is about more than just cryptocurrency. Through DropCoin’s decentralized governance budget system, we seek to advance our commitment to philanthropy and service to humanity. The community plans to partner with and support projects that use blockchain technology to alleviate poverty and empower underserved populations around the world.

4. Sustainability
We are in this for the long haul and will continue to take every measure to ensure the sustainability of the project, from choosing not to pursue an ICO or pre-sale as a regulatory precaution to choosing a relatively modest block reward structure to help preserve the life of the coin long-term. We realize there is a long road ahead for the adoption of blockchain and have established a solid foundation to help withstand the foreseeable storms.

Join us in our mission
If you are motivated by our mission, come join the DropCoin network.

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Lucas Johnson

Core Contributor at DropCoin | Product Lead at Cerner | Strategist in health economics, payment innovation, and blockchain technology