Thanks JobOp!

Lucia Morales
4 min readNov 20, 2016


“Last summer, I had a problem. I wanted to change my job, so I started searching in Linkedin offers. I found one really nice offer, interesting projects, good money, not very far from my home… I asked a friend whose wife was working there, and he told me she is happy and is a very good option.”

This is how my travel starts. The story goes on…

“They offered me a job in the innovation lab, really interesting, I was so excited!.

The first day I was so happy when I went to the new job, everyone was very nice and friendly but suddenly things changed. My boss said:

- Ok, tomorrow you will start working in this client.

- WHAAAAT? This is not what we talked about!

- Really? I don’t remember that…

The nightmare started at that moment.”

When that close friend told me this story, I found a lot of similarities with stories from other friends, and also my own experiences in the past. So I decided I should do something, because it was a pattern that was repeting again and again.

I chose the CHANGE theme for Coursera project and.. this is how JobOp started to grow.

I started to think and write down a lot of ideas, until I found the solution for this king of profesional profiles. People is more and more used everyday to use Linkedin as a searching tool, not only to make networking. So I decided to create a Linkedin extension app where people can find reviews and scores from companies, leave their own reviews and block companies for the future. Also the companies could visit this application to know why exactly workers are not happy in his companies. Would be like a tripadvisor application focused in companies.

The strength of the application is that you don’t need to fill your profile with all your laboral experience, because with an easy and fast “Connect with Linkedin” everything is done and you can start using. Also for our users to feel safe, this is the best option, because only real workers can leave reviews, so the user that wants to know about a company, can be sure that all the information he is going to read, is real.

Also the application has a hard security backend to check that the reviews are respectful and contain no insults or comments out of place.

Security alert when you try to leave a review in JobOp

When I decided to make this I started to put limits to my ideas, to have a simple idea for the beginning. This were my options, and I decided to go on with the last one:

  • Someone that has changed his job and as a result has also changed his city of resident for a few months.
  • Someone that has also changed his country.
  • Someone that has been living outside and now is back to his country of origin.
  • Someone that is not happy in his new job, because is not what he was expecting.

So, from here I started to make some research and visit inspirational websites until I decided what exactly I wanted to do: an extension app for Linkedin.

First low-fidelity prototypes

From that moment I started to add the options in a low-fidelity prototype: leave a review, search a company, block a company…

Working process of the low-fidelity prototype

When I was sure of what I exactly wanted to do, I started to transfer the low-fidelity prototypes to a digital high-fidelity prototype using Sketch. I chose the name JobOp, because JobOp= Job Opinion, and also because the onomatopoeia HOP HOP, like jumping from a job to another.

From this moment I worked harder on the prototype, adding good real design and fake information inspired in Star Wars so the users could make user testing and understand what JobOp is about.

Fake Star Wars content in the app

Now after changing some details thanks to the user testing results, I can say finally that JobOp is a reality.

User testing photo
Login detail from the last high-fidelity prototype

And users, this is how JobOp meet Linkedin.


