LXDAO Weekly#27

5 min readDec 11, 2022


Webiste: https://lxdao.io/
Discord: http://discord.lxdao.io/
Forum: https://forum.lxdao.io/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LXDAO_Official


❤️ First, here’s what happened in the DAO this week

  • LXDAO Monthly AMA LXDAO Monthly Update AMA #5 — #2 by Muxin_LXDAO
  • Finished the MobyMask design and scheduled a session with Dan next Friday
  • Had four sessions at Henan University to introduce Web3 to students, LXDAO Buidlers who joined the session: Dengdeng, Bruce, and FANZhi
  • Discussed the content operation plans
  • Collaborated with Rebase and prepared for the rebase hackathon, we will have two ideas to join the hackathon
  • Followed up on the collaboration and ideas

Next Week:

  • Present MobyMask solution to Dan and buidl collaboration and start working on this project
  • Join the Rebase Hackathon, Donate3 and TaskPay will be the two ideas for this Hackathon
  • Improve the content operation plans, and start building some tools for it
  • Follow up on the grant applications, collaborations, new proposals, and ideas
  • Continue working on the LXDAO financing preparation

Community Operation

  • Twitter Followers: 445
  • Discord Followers: 355

Had 4 sessions at Henan University to introduce Web3 to students, LXDAO Buidlers who joined the session: Dengdeng, Bruce, and FANZhi
Title: Web3 leads the way
Transformation of advanced production systems

Upcoming Community Events

If you would like us to include an event in the summary, please contact Marcus on Twitter

Project Space

LXDAO has 8 project groups in progress, including 4 working groups and 4 R&D project

Working Group Update

Onboarding Group

This Week:

  • Two buidlers onboarded, welcome: Twoo and Dyson!
  • New self-onboarding UI finished, @black3.eth will follow up on it

Next Week:

  • Continue routine onboarding work
  • Start developing the new self-onboarding process

Governance Group

This Week:

  • LXP Rules Document — 80%
  • LXDAO Constitution — 50%
  • LXP backtracking, total points have been backtracked, individual points are being matched

Next Week:

  • Complete the LXP rules document
  • LXDAO Wechat Official Accounts will be launch
  • LXDAO Constitutional Documents

LXDAO Tools:

This Week:

  • Improved the DC experience: created the open-a-ticket channel, added more official links, and added an other role.
  • Clarified the LXDAO Website email integration requirements, it’s in the development process.

Next Week:

  • Continue the LXDAO Website email integration development work.
  • Will start the new onboarding process improvement project and LXDAO brand improvement.

LXP Project:

This Week:

  • Completed the project design, had a review session, and made some changes based on the discussion, it’s in the final review process.

Next Week:

  • Start the UI/UX design
  • Make a proposal


This Week:

  • Support Index Api
  • Support MetaPavo Twitter Scam Api
  • Fix Index Api Script Issue
  • Data Center RoadMap

Next Week

  • Support Premint Api
  • Support Project Token Data Api
  • Data Center RoadMap

R&D projects Update


Remember our first project, GCLX?Next week we will be preparing interesting rug events

Next Week:

  • Preparing the Rug of roadmap


This Week:

  • Assembled a group of buidler to discuss on the S2

Next Week:

  • Create detailed plans and start applying for grants


This Week:

  • Complete the whitepaper
  • Completed the chrome store submission, waiting for review
  • Increase the optimization of beta, other social media portals and other interfaces

Next Week:

  • Develop the remaining functions and optimize the interface
  • Prepare for operation
  • Continuously optimize products

HashDNA Project#007

This Week:

  • HashDNA Art Engine is upgraded to v2.1.0, adding weight function and import configuration file function.
  • Updated two examples, and recorded a demo video and a usage video.
  • Formed a project team, and the project team discussed the promotion strategy.

Next Week:

  • Released a new version of HashDNA Art Engine v2.1.0.
  • Do a live demo on Wednesday.
  • The website is online and the Github introduction is updated.

First time seeing LXDAO?

Getting Started With LXDAO

❤️ 首先,这是本周 DAO 中发生的事情:


  • LXDAO Monthly AMA LXDAO Monthly Update AMA #5 — #2 by Muxin_LXDAO
  • 完成了 MobyMask 的设计,并且安排了下周五与 Dan 会谈合作详情
  • 跟河南大学合作举办了四个分享,由 LXDAO 的 buidlers dengdeng、Bruce、FANZhi 进行了分享
  • 讨论了内容运营的计划
  • 跟 Rebase 达成初步合作关系,我们将有两个 idea 参加 Rebase 黑客松
  • 跟进新的合作和想法


  • 给 Dan 展示 MobyMask 的解决方案,并且确定合作细节开始执行
  • 参加 Rebase 黑客松,将会带入 Donate3 和 TaskPay 两个想法
  • 进一步完善内容运营计划,并且开始设计一些工具
  • 继续跟进 Grant 申请、合作、提案和想法
  • 继续跟进 LXDAO 的融资计划


  • 推特粉丝:445
  • Discord 粉丝:355

跟河南大学合作举办了四个分享,由 LXDAO 的 buidlers dengdeng、Bruce、FANZhi 进行了分享
标题:Web3 引领潮流


如果您希望我们将活动纳入摘要,请在 Twitter 上联系 @Bitzack_01


LXDAO 现有 8个项目组正在进行,其中包含 4 个工作组,4 个研发项目

Working Group 更新

Onboarding 小组


  • 两个 buidler 正式加入 LXDAO,欢迎: Twoo and Dyson!
  • 自助 onboarding 流程 UI 设计完成,Black3 将会跟进项目落地


  • 继续完成日常的 onboarding 工作
  • 开始开发自助 onboarding 流程



  • LXP 规则文件-80%
  • LXDAO 章程 — 50%
  • LXP 回溯,总分已回溯,单项分数正在匹配之中


  • 完成 LXP 规则文件
  • LXDAO 微信公众号将启动
  • LXDAO 章程文件

LXDAO Tools:


  • 改进了 DC 的体验:创建了 open-a-ticket 频道,增加了更多的官方链接,并且增加了 other 角色
  • 确定了 LXDAO 网站的电子邮件集成需求,正在开发过程中


  • 继续 LXDAO 网站的邮件集成开发工作
  • 将开始新的入职流程改进项目和 LXDAO 统一品牌透出项目

LXP Project:


  • 完成了项目设计,召开了评审会,并根据讨论结果做了一些修改,目前正在最后的 review 过程中


  • 开始 UI/UX 设计
  • 发布提案,开始召集开发人员



  • 支持 Index Api
  • 支持 MetaPavo Twitter Scam Api
  • 修复指数 Api 脚本 Issue
  • 数据中心 RoadMap 制定


  • 支持 Premint Api
  • 支持非 NFT 项目数据
  • 数据中心 RoadMap 制定

R&D Project 更新


还记得我们的第一个项目 GCLX 吗,下周我们将开始准备有趣的 Rug 活动


  • 准备跑路



  • 创建了一个小组,开始讨论 MFNFT S2 计划


  • 产出详细的计划,并且开始申请 grants



  • 完成白皮书
  • 完成 chrome store 提交,等待审核中
  • 增加 beta、其他社媒入口等界面的优化


  • 开发剩下的功能和优化界面
  • 准备运营工作
  • 持续优化产品

HashDNA Project#007


  • HashDNA Art Engine 升级到 V2.1.0,增加权重功能和导入配置文件功能。
  • 更新了两个例子,录制了演示视频和使用视频
  • 组建了项目组,讨论了推广策略


  • 发布 HashDNA Art Engine v2.1.0 新版本
  • 周三做一次直播演示
  • 网站上线,并更新 Github 介绍

第一次接触 LXDAO?

Getting Started With LXDAO




LXDAO is an R&D-focused DAO in Web3 for sustainably supporting valuable Web3 Public Goods and Open Source. https://lxdao.io TG: https://t.me/lxdao