LXDAO Weekly#29

5 min readDec 25, 2022


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❤️ First, here’s what happened in the DAO this week

This Week:

  • Most of the LXDAO buidlers got covid, so there is not much progress for this week
  • #008 MobyMask Improvement project proposal approved, we started working on the project
  • Muxin will be the project manager for the Img3 project
  • Kaso will be leading the project MyFirstLayer2 and will start preparing for the second review with ESP
  • We have a WeChat Official account, and the first post: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/udN-KGeqcsQwEq3xUsK7gA
  • Bruce got interviewed by ViTamin DAO and here is the post: https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YfBpeV66PmB4tQiNvI9flg
  • Collaboration with 8DAO and TCG team

Congratulations, Project 008 has been established!

Next Week:

  • Work on the LXDAO financing preparation
  • Follow up on the MyFirstLayer2 and Img3 projects
  • Collaborate with more organizations

Community Operation

  • Twitter Followers: 556
  • Discord Followers: 386

Upcoming Community Events

If you would like us to include an event in the summary, please contact Marcus on Twitter

  • Every Wednesday we will have a Community Call to discuss LXDAO matters, big and small, with the community [click here to view past Community Call]
  • GCLX RUG event will be held on Thursday

Project Space

LXDAO has 8 project groups in progress, including 5 working groups and 3 R&D project

Working Group Update

Onboarding Group

This Week:

  • 2 buidlers joined LXDAO, welcome: Simon and Anty!

Next Week:

  • Routine onboarding work
  • Continue developing self-onboarding UI

Governance Group

This Week:

  • Discussion on the Foundation’s structure
  • LXP Points Trackback

Next Week:

  • LXDAO Constitutional Documents
  • GCLX RUG Program


This Week:

  • LXDAO email website integration project is completed 80%
  • LXDAO brand module development work is completed 60%

Next Week:

  • design and develop the LXDAO official email template, complete the email template copy
  • complete the LXDAO brand module development work

LXP Project

This Week:

  • reviewed the UI/UX design, the changes are almost done
  • It passed the community hard vote, start to assemble a team
  • LXP contract transfer whitelist change is in progress

Next Week:

  • Start the development work


This Week

  • Support Metapavo Data Api
  • Support Project Investment Data Api
  • Support Project Token Data Api
  • Support Index Api

Next Week

  • Support Project Investment Data Api
  • Support Project Token Data Api
  • Support Index Api

R&D projects Update


This week:

  • Bugfix investigation, currently the bugs are basically fixed
  • Access dataservice twitter scam interface
  • Develop a mechanism to adjust the invitation code
  • Development invitation page
  • Renovation of the official website

Next week

  • Operation promotion
  • Continuous bugfix
  • Develop new features


Next Week:

  • Share the hackathon version of Donate3 with the product designer and start thinking about the new version of Donate3

MobyMask Improvement#008

This Week

  • Finished the project proposal and got approved. Our #008 project MobyMask Improvement formed
  • Wrote an announcement post and sent it to Dan to review first then release and assemble the team
  • The product was adjusted according to Dan’s feedback last week. Looking for a UI/UX designer to start working on the UI part

Next Week

  • Share the collaboration news with the community and assemble the team
  • Start working on the UI/UX design, hope to finish the draft version
  • Start working on the technical preparation, create code repo, etc

First time seeing LXDAO?

Getting Started With LXDAO

❤️ 首先,这是本周 DAO 中发生的事情:


  • 大部分 LXDAO buidlers 都感染了covid,所以本周没有太大进展
  • #008 MobyMask 改进项目提案获得批准,我们开始着手该项目
  • Muxin 将担任 Img3 项目的项目经理
  • Kaso 将领导 MyFirstLayer2 项目,并将开始准备与 ESP 的第二次 review
  • 我们有微信公众号,第一帖:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/udN-KGeqcsQwEq3xUsK7gA
  • Bruce 接受了 ViTamin DAO 的采访,这是帖子:https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/YfBpeV66PmB4tQiNvI9flg
  • 与 8DAO 和 TCG 团队合作

恭喜,#008 号项目获得了投票通过,正式成立!


  • LXDAO 融资准备工作
  • 跟进 MyFirstLayer2 和 Img3 项目
  • 与更多组织合作


  • 推特粉丝:556
  • Discord 粉丝:386


如果您希望我们将活动纳入摘要,请在 Twitter 上联系 @Bitzack_01


LXDAO 现有 8 个项目组正在进行,其中包含 5 个工作组,3 个研发项目

Working Group 更新

Onboarding 小组


  • 2 位开发者加入了 LXDAO,欢迎:Simon 和 Anty!


  • 日常 Onboarding 工作
  • 继续开发 Self-onboarding



  • 关于基金会结构的讨论
  • LXP 积分回溯


  • LXDAO 章程文件
  • GCLX RUG 计划



  • LXDAO email intergation 项目完成 80%
  • LXDAO 品牌模块开发工作完成 60%


  • 设计开发 LXDAO 官方邮件模板,确定邮件模板文案
  • 完成 LXDAO 品牌模块的开发工作

LXP 项目


  • review 了 UI/UX 设计,修改工作基本完成
  • 项目通过了社区硬投票,开始组建团队
  • LXP 合同转让白名单修改正在进行中


  • 开始开发工作



  • 支持 MetaPavo 数据 api 联调,bug 修复
  • 支持 项目维度 :投资数据 Api
  • 支持非 NFT 项目数据
  • 支持 Index Api


  • 支持 项目维度:投资数据 Api
  • 支持非 NFT 项目数据
  • 支持 Index Api

R&D Project 更新



  • Bugfix 排查,目前 bug 基本都做了修复
  • 接入 dataservice twitter scam 接口
  • 开发调整邀请码的机制
  • 开发邀请页
  • 官网改造


  • 运营推广
  • 持续 bugfix
  • 开发新功能



  • 与产品设计师分享 Donate3 的黑客马拉松版本,并开始考虑 Donate3 的新版本

MobyMask Improvement#008


  • 完成项目建议书并获得批准。 我们的 #008 项目 MobyMask Improvement 正式成立
  • 写了一个公告贴发给 Dan 先审阅然后发布和组建团队
  • 上周根据 Dan 的反馈对产品进行了调整。 寻找 UI/UX 设计师开始处理 UI 部分


  • 与社区分享合作消息并组建团队
  • 开始 UI/UX 设计,希望能完成初稿
  • 开始技术准备工作,创建代码库等

第一次接触 LXDAO?

Getting Started With LXDAO




LXDAO is an R&D-focused DAO in Web3 for sustainably supporting valuable Web3 Public Goods and Open Source. https://lxdao.io TG: https://t.me/lxdao