What is Narcan, and Why Should I Care?

La Jolla Recovery
4 min readOct 11, 2023


When speaking about addiction, the courageous and compassionate Gabor Mate once said, “The question isn’t why the addiction, but the pain.”

Narcan, more formally known as Naloxone, can be one of those essential lifelines tossed to individuals during their worst bouts of pain. Isn’t it important to understand how it works and why it’s become crucial in addressing the torrent of drug overdoses?

Narcan operates as an opioid antagonist. In lay terms, this means that it blocks opiate receptors in your brain. If you’ve taken opioids within a specific timeframe and then take Narcan, it can swiftly reverse an overdose’s effects. And here’s what makes it unique — unlike opioids, Narcan doesn’t have the propensity to cause addictive behavior. The brain’s dopamine circuitry — the primary neural pathway corrupted by addiction — remains unaltered with Narcan use. Narcan is available in nasal spray and intramuscular injection form.

Narcan, medically called Naloxone, is a potentially life-saving nasal spray utilized to reverse an opioid overdose.

You may wonder if it only benefits people who overdose on opioids. The answer is no; this vital medication holds its merits for first responders who might also be unintentionally intoxicated when dealing with these drugs in emergencies.

Accidental inhalation or skin contact with synthetic opioids like Fentanyl can trigger severe reactions due to their extreme potency. According to recent research by CDC (2018), exposure to even small amounts can cause health issues like respiratory distress among responders. That’s where Narcan enters the scenario like a superhero antidote! Its exceptional counteracting properties protect these brave souls from accidental poisoning while they are saving lives — highlighting the broader social impacts.

The vital nature of Narcan has, thankfully, been recognized legislatively.

The FDA has approved non-prescription sales of over-the-counter Narcan in states across America. Heading to your local pharmacy or attending a community program — often sponsored by health departments and outreach organizations — can equip you with this lifesaving tool with the numbers of Fentanyl laced drugs becoming commonplace. A nasal spray Narcan can be easy to carry and administer.

But how do pop culture reports fit into this narrative? You might’ve heard about Madonna possibly being investigated after text messages surfaced suggesting she used Narcan for a sepsis problem where it supposedly helped with blood pressure. While there has been no solid evidence regarding such an episode involving Madonna using Narcan — public figures or artists associated with it helped bring critical awareness. Hoping it’s not publicity to ignore substance use disorder, which is more and more accepted and understood by the public today, it can still carry shame and hurt as if it were only moral. It is an AMA biological condition that requires attention and medication.

The talk around a figure like Madonna having access to something essential shows us exactly how pervasive opioid abuse may extend beyond party lines or social realities — potentially affirming that perhaps we should all have access too!

Everyone carrying Narcan propels desensitizing harm reduction strategies into our collective consciousness precisely where they belong. Harm reduction measures work towards reducing negative consequences associated with drug use rather than focusing on eradicating its usage, an approach deeply echoed within the recovery community and evidence-based treatment centers that support medication-assisted treatment like La Jolla Recovery.

Drugs will always be a part of human societies as they have existed in different capacities since the dawn of civilizations. However, tools like Narcan give us pragmatic options when dealing with their harmful consequences rather than pretending we can eliminate them from our society.

Although stigma undeniably surrounds addiction and policies aimed at alleviating harm, adopting such life-preserving initiatives shifts our perception towards empathy rather than punishment and understanding instead of discrimination. Public opinion shapes action — so changing one invariably leads to modifying others! Engaging in conversations around practical elements like ‘Why does harm reduction matter?’ becomes crucial to achieve this monumental task.

People resort to self-soothing primarily due to their suffering; implementing policies such as making Narcan accessible for all is more likely attuned to reducing harm while accepting hard truths about human nature.

Such considerations around progressive policies must ripple through our society if we’re committed honestly towards curbing opioid-related crises affecting communities indiscriminately across America — rich or poor, famous or invisible!

So next time you consider whether something like Narcan impacts you personally — remember: It’s not just for those who grapple with addiction difficulties but for anyone who may accidentally get exposed in emergency scenarios or is interested in being part of a solution towards a considerable societal issue that doesn’t discriminate based on income or celebrity status! It’s more than “What?” but significantly, “Why should I care?

By Jace A.



La Jolla Recovery

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