La Meute

La Meute
7 min readApr 25, 2023


La Meute is a community-driven project aiming at creating and sharing opportunities between members. La Meute was created over a year ago and slowly built a strong community by purging inactive people and including motivated new members.
Our whole philosophy is to take our time to build in a solid and sustainable way : what is done correctly won’t need correcting.


Our team is composed of four members who have different life experiences and backgrounds. We feel that this is one of our strengths since we can cover different angles and point of views before making a decision. We met our community members during NFT Paris in February 2023, we took advantage of this opportunity to doxx ourselves :

  • Le699A : Founder of La Meute, a full-time web3 entrepreneur.
  • NessA : Founder of La Meute, a full-time web3 entrepreneur.
  • Legende : Co-Founder of La Meute, web2 entrepreneur in e-commerce and web3 entrepreneur.
  • Mic94 : Collaboration Manager of La Meute, PhD in cancer biology and web3 entrepreneur.

Mint details

Supply : 100 unique wolves hand-drawn by our artist @CalvinStephh.

Mint price : Around 0.15E.

Each piece in our collection is a unique 1/1 Wolf representing a different theme.

The mint price was decided with our community members in order to insure that everyone will be able to mint. Guaranteed mint for selected community members.
No public mint. Community only !


Our pride and main ambition in the future is to be a community-driven project. We are convinced that building in a sustainable way means building hand in hand with our community. This can be done through a process that we set up in La Meute by breaking down the hierarchical barriers : our Founders and team members spend all the time that they can afford in the main chat with our members. This is a main rule that allows us to strengthen the bonds between all members, but also to create a very direct channel of communication between us and our members, without any intermediaries.

Our experience tells us that building something, even the most advanced and innovative technologies, won’t be enough to make a web3 project successful if the accomplishment does not align with the community’s expectations.

In this spirit, we conducted 1/1 interviews with ALL our members to be able to get personalized feedback and truly understand our community’s expectations.
We will now enter a phase where we will build new and innovative ways to bring opportunities to our members, but always while getting their feedback along the way : Founders need to listen to the community feedback at all times, not only when the floor price crashes.

We are aiming at taking this one step further by organizing regular AMAs that will cover web2/web3 opportunities, feedback, suggestions and finish with a free time where the community can talk about any subject they want.


As the classic web3 saying goes “we are still early” and this is one of our strong beliefs. We aim at becoming a strong and implemented community of this space.
Our vision will consist in developing innovative utilities with our community and by finding ways to create value. We feel that there is a limited amount of projects who are bringing real value, most of them see this space like a giant bag of cash that they can grab.
Here, hand in hand with our community, we will find ways to harvest any profitable opportunity and to participate in every ecosystem that aims at developing web3. This will be done using innovative thinking, conducting our roadmap, making partnerships with communities of builders and delivering results regularly.

We want our members to benefit from WL giveaways with an unprecedented win ratio. We also aim at making profitable utilities for web2/web3 available to all our members as a lifetime access linked to your La Meute NFT, everything that you need to thrive, get education and make money. Our holders will also take advantage of partnerships, and will be part of the most exclusive network of communities in web3.

We will also develop innovative concepts along the way : we listen to our community and keep in mind that we need to keep improving our project every step of the way. See the next section for examples of new ideas and their implementation in La Meute.

Innovative concepts

Our team has great experience in web3 and we gathered all comments and wishes from our community during the 1/1 interviews. Here are the new ideas and concepts that we will implement in the future.

1- No staking system : We want you guys to be able to use your NFT and all the opportunities linked to it at all times. We do not believe in any artificial system that aims at decreasing listed NFT or increasing floor price. If there is anything wrong with these two variables, it just means that the team needs to do a better job. Period.

2- Exclusive alpha caller : We are currently contacting different Alpha Callers in order to be able to have an exclusive Alpha Caller that will be dedicated to bringing value to La Meute members. This Alpha Caller will have his own Discord channels to share his calls/education content and another channel to be able to exchange with you. On top of that, we will create a system that allows you to have a 1/1 call with him so that you can get personalized advice concerning your bags.

3- Community Vault : We will create a community vault that will be whitelisted for all collabs that we will set up in the future. The main utility of this Vault will be to bring regular income into the project treasury and to insure the sustainability of the project. On top of that, our experienced Alpha Caller will be responsible for handling and growing this treasury fund using crypto and NFT trading. This treasury fund will also be used to give away NFTs with great price increase potential selected by our Alpha Caller !

4- Guaranteed wolf?! Yes, you saw correctly: We will be the first project to GUARANTEE your NFT in case of drain/hack of your wallet. Precisely, after a thorough investigation, we will use our fund to replace your stolen NFT by another one of our collection. This is how much we love our community.

5- Worldwide meetups : We plan on doing several and regular meetups during NFT-related events and even more in the future… We started this concept with NFT Paris that happened during the 24–25th February and offered 7000$ worth of tickets to our members. We plan on repeating such events in different cities over the world !

6- Community AMAs : Most people will agree with the idea that collecting different knowledge and expertise is what will make you successful in life. Here, we propose to take advantage of our community members’ expertise. We will be doing AMAs led by members of our community to share their expertise : Our community is rich by the diversity of its members, we have several business owners, professional traders, PhDs, life coachs etc… Regularly, one of our members will share his/her expertise : trading, economy, science courses, stress management, well being, you name it !!

7- IP rights : We decided to give our holders the whole benefits associated to the IP rights of their NFT. Precisely, it means that you will be the only person allowed to make a reproduction of your NFT and to have a lucrative activity based on it.

Transparency, Business plan and Sustainability

A part of the mint fund will be used to pay for partnerships that were already negotiated, to pay the artist, the developer and our team members for their work.

Our economic model will consist in using the other part of the mint fund in order to pay for future partnerships to bring more value to our holders and then use our regular incomes (from secondary sales and also from our community vault) to make regular payment for subscription of services that can be of interest to our holders.


We aim at letting our creativity drive us into unexplored parts of web3 while always keeping the above-mentioned values. Our strongest belief is that web3 is the land of all possibilities, our only limitation is our collective imagination. This is a niche world where we have everything that we need at our disposal : a secured financial structure (the blockchain), a strong community of people who are willing to work and expect to be rewarded fairly for these efforts, and very talented people who are willing to collaborate. Let’s build !

