Good Morning Church

LaVern Vivio
2 min readMay 15, 2016


Sunday May 15, 2016

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There is a conversation we need to have as we get together this morning. It’s not about bathrooms or those who identity as transgendered. It’s not about any one specific thing but everything. Everything that has happened to paint God and the Bible we study as intolerant.

That is what all of this is about.

Everyone knows there will be great opposition to the sweeping declaration made by our president this week to allow transgendered students access to the restrooms or locker rooms of their choosing.

And just as they did when opposition arose to the equally sweeping decision by our Supreme Court to legalize gay marriage — those who favor the decision will again paint the broad brush of intolerance to any who stand in opposition.

This latest move by our president is not about restrooms anymore than the decision by the Supreme Court was about marriage equality. It’s about chipping away at the moral compass and foundation America was built on.

Many don’t like the rules and regulations of God.

They see them as unfair, divisive and yes the key word of the last decade — intolerant.

By continuing to paint The Christian Church as intolerant and quietening the opposition to things such as transgendered access to public school restrooms and locker rooms, we are continuing to be shouted down.

Not that I want to get into a shouting match but we have to find our voice beyond the blogosphere and social media. I am not sure what that means — but I know it’s not about the restrooms.

It’s about us staying quiet and allowing society to push the message that only through tolerance can we truly be a compassionate and loving society — and that if that brand of tolerance does not fit in with God then there must be a problem with HIM.

It’s not about the restrooms.

It’s about showing people of faith and the God we serve as — intolerant.

The powers that be could care less about the “vast” transgendered population of America. They are using them just as they use any person or situation that fits their agenda.

An agenda to move our nation past the moral code we were founded on.

To a new moral code that allows for anything goes.

It is the same agenda and message — just a new move.

And they know all they have to do is keep pounding out that message and eventually the people of faith can be ignored — Then America can finally be the America they are longing for — one no longer constrained by the laws of God.

God Bless

LaVern Vivio

May 15, 2016



LaVern Vivio

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.