Good Morning Church! Can One Person Make a Difference?

LaVern Vivio
3 min readNov 5, 2017


Daylight Savings Time, was the idea of New Zealand Entomologist George Hudson.

He enjoyed collecting insects in his leisure time, and he wanted more daylight hours to enjoy his hobby after work.

It was many years before the policy was adopted, but the concept began with the seed of an idea he planted.

Many of us have experienced turning points in our lives and can credit the person who said or did just the right thing at the right time to change our direction or perspective.

Sometimes, a great day can turn upside down because of a careless and unkind word or action from someone we encounter.

And a bad day can take an entirely new direction, with a kind word or gesture that encourages someone at just the right time.

One person does matter.

One action does matter.

I have a friend that is anxiously nearing retirement. She is very excited, but somedays, she seems almost ready to burst out the door into early retirement, to avoid the politics and drama of office life.

One morning as we talked about the things she couldn’t change, we also talked about the seeds she was planting. The seeds that may someday make a difference.

The seed of an idea that George Hudson planted for Daylight Savings Time, didn’t find its way into wide spread policy till many years after his death, and wasn’t adopted by the USA till 1966. (The concept was used during wartime as an effort to conserve energy.)

And the Bible is packed with stories of kings that single handedly turned the Children of Israel away from GOD, only to find another king a generation or two later that would lead them back again.

Your light — your life can make a difference.

If you think you don’t.

If you think, there must be something more to your life?

Maybe the only thing missing, is your willingness to do something different.

I ran across this quote this week and it has become a bit of a mantra for me

It’s a quote attributed to Thomas Jefferson.

It was included in an email from a friend, as we exchanged correspondance regarding a change of direction in my life.

And as I thought about the implication of that statement, I thought about how many areas in my life need something new.

Not just professionally but spiritually.

Spiritual growth is something we often forget to gauge.

We take our church life for granted, and we don’t stop and take inventory as often as we should regarding our spiritual objectives;

  • Are we bringing the lost to CHRIST?
  • Are we taking care of those who have been placed in our charge? (People like the widows and orphans)
  • And are we a part of an unbridled worship, as often as possible, that pays homage to our CREATOR and our SAVIOR?

If not — and you want these things;

If not — and you have never really had those things;

Then remember; If you want something you’ve never had. You will need to do something you’ve never done.

Plant the seeds to what seems impossible, out of character, or that makes you a little uncomfortable, and let GOD show you something new!

And when you set your clocks back today, remember, it all began because of George Hudson and his love of bugs!

God Bless!

LaVern Vivio

November 5, 2017



LaVern Vivio

Christian wife and mother of four boys. Career long Broadcaster, speaker and author.