Skipping rope and the things that shape our life

Ladislav Szolik
3 min readJun 1, 2019


Why I write this article?

The world became complex and with it our problems as well. Interestingly often for these problems the solution is really simple.
I want to share with you my tiny discoveries about simple things which influence us in unexpected ways. Even more interesting is that these things were created without the intention to change us. Today it‘s about the skipping rope.

My story

Every time I go to the gym to workout I carry my skipping rope. I use it to warm up and get the blood flowing in my body.
Usually I jump around 300 times. Can‘t do anything fancy, just simple double leg jumping. Anyways it‘s still morning for me.

I used to start with a short running, but it was kind of boring for me, so I was looking for something shorter, more intensive and funnier. You can find million other things, I choose something simple, the rope.


I looked up the history of this tool. Kids use to play with it in front of their houses. First everyone thought it is ridiculous and later as it usually happens started to spread. Back then there was no smart phone so it was one of the things to play with.

As the time went by more and more people started to jump around and realised that it is a playful way to exercise our body. And if you google you find quite a lot of other benefits, like improving stability and so on.

My design review

I thought I share my view from the perspective of a designer. Here it goes.
The skipping rope is easy to carry and can be used almost anywhere. It does not require any membership and it is very cheap.
It is just jumping with a rope, therefore you don‘t feel any fear, you can learn to use it easily.

Here is an interesting thing, as you jump and move the rope around you, you create a natural rhythm on what you need to focus. It allows you to enter the flow, which makes the exercise enjoyable.
If you feel that it is hard, you can slow down and do it with two legs.

When it starts to be boring, you can speed up and do some twists in the air.
Because of it‘s simplicity, there is no one way to use it, you can discover your style.


We are humans who always seek for something new, because of that skipping rope slowly disappears from our lives. You can’t see anymore kids skipping in front of the house. Most of the people would find it even strange.
I seek fun in the things what I do, so I guess I will stick with it. Maybe in the future there will be a new thing which makes us jump.

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