4NEW — Eco-friendly, Tangible Waste to Energy Blockchain Solution

Lady Coin
3 min readDec 10, 2017


Waste has become a homework for every element of the company and individuals on earth if you want the earth to stay clean and comfortable to live in. However, in reality, waste continues to grow in line with human needs — an increase in human population is one of the causes of the increasing amount of waste. A landfill becomes a major contributor to climate change because it produces toxic gases in the atmosphere. Years and years, there is increasing population, increasing garbage, but the less place to become garbage disposal. If solutions to reduce waste production cannot be done, then there are other solutions to reduce the amount of waste in the earth.

That’s what 4NEW does. 4NEW is a new, eco-friendly solution to convert waste into energy with blockchain based. Not only can reduce the amount of waste, 4NEW converts the waste into energy and sell it to the government or returns to the original household where the waste from. Waste is collected from household or landfill. The wastes are burned in a device, called the 4NEW-plant, which then produces steam, that drives the turbine and eventually generates electricity. 4NEW-plant can be arranged as close as possible to landfills, so as to minimize footprints of carbon dioxide from waste transport. Because it is generated from waste, electricity can be distributed at a cheaper price, so consumers can save up to 20% on electricity expenses. 4NEW is dedicated to providing solutions to two issues, namely the increase of waste and energy shortfall.

Although the technology that converts waste into energy has proven to be effective, yet not everyone can connect in this energy distribution. The existing waste and energy industries are highly fragmented and laggards in adopting new technologies. In addition, the profit sharing is also uneven. These cause the waste and energy industries to become less productive.

In short, this is the model of the 4NEW industry:
Waste collection -> Waste management -> Energy production -> Energy distribution — and back again doing waste collection
If there is an increasing amount of energy that produced, there will be new energy supplies that can be included in the market. 4NEW will always be transparent in terms of energy availability. Stable transparency and constant demand will make the 4NEW-coin price also stable.

With blockchain-based technology, 4NEW is becoming an industry where all parties who play a role in this industry, and they can do all transaction using 4NEW-coin as the exchange rate. Coins from 4NEW are using smart contracts that can build relationships between parties who make transactions and provide value for each transaction. The ledger on 4NEW provides a journal of transactions that are immutable and auditable. All parties to the transaction can see the same ledger, which includes the entry, cost of reconciliation and potential disputes. 4NEW will position itself as a widespread market. Through approval of 4NEW smart meter technology, other competitor industries may be encouraged to use 4NEW-coin to integrate during their billing and payment process. Smart meters here include deep communication with parties who want to join, market tests, and encouragement from the community. Smart meters will be flexible but principled in terms of environmental risk considerations.

75% of 4NEW coins will be available during the sales period, while 25% is distributed to founders and investors. Here is the budget allocation from 4NEW:
The total tokens provided by 4NEW are 300,000,000 and are provided during the crowdsale. 100 million will be allocated to each 4NEW-plant while 200million will be placed in the company until the management team decides to add 4NEW-plant. 4NEW will never increase the number of coins, so the value of the coins will continue to grow. Unsold coins until the crowdsale time run out will be burned. 4NEW-coin does not represent ownership of anything. 4NEW-coin can only be used in the 4NEW ecosystem.

For more information, please visit their website at https://www.4new.co.uk/ or download their whitepaper here https://www.4new.co.uk/assets/4new_whitepaper-218d3bb2cc33bb678880adbed8a6158e68f67383f44854d291b65a879420dde9.pdf and their lightpaper here http://www.4new.co.uk/assets/4new_lightpaper-ee8408e3239a0eab688e35ce6097e84ca47a9b4376210714535da2e08b32859d.pdf

