4 min readFeb 5, 2024

It’s been a hella year…

Well we’ll well it has been one hella year so far, and we are only 1 month in.

So I was going to the gym since October and doing it because I felt that if I took care of myself I would feel better and also attract men more on the level I wanted to date. I started eating super healthy with like 1 time a week something not so healthy. Then my personal trainer got transfered to another gym opening. I got a new guy and a week later he goes on vacation for new years for a week. I was given a temporary trainer but I did not like the 1st session so I decided to wait till my other new coach got back. By yhe time that came it was super cold.

I also, on New years, decided that I wanted to try after a year of being sober off alcohol that I wanted to try and be a normal human being. Well, I need up drinking about half the days of January, not in a row, but had I not put a stop to it, it certainly may have gotten out of control. My main reason for this is to teach myself that I can control anything I want to. 😌 so with that, I have taken the power back and set my start date back and that day tears poured down my face but I knew it had to be done that day was very emotional.

So just like 2 weeks prior I ened up making a decision to put Lee my bed ridden friend that has help me out for 9 yrs, I put him in a elderly group home to get the care he needs and deserves. We have to pay out of pocket and that cost 3500 a month. I mentally do not want to take care of him so it’s for the best of us.

I however was just going 5o go homeless and have a gym and storage and figure out sleep. But then I decided to secure something anyways and heard about airbnb never used it before but I looked and there was one in perfect location for a bed in a garage “red flag” but that’d all I wanted was a bed to sleep in. Anyways I resevered it for 4 months. Just to show up to abandoned house with a light on and trash everywhere.

I freaked out. I never expected to show up to anything like that at all. I called my sister in Florida, and she told me to get a hotel for a couple of nights. So last night was my last night in a hotel. I am currently at the gym. Gonna see how this goes. They have a movie theater here. So ill spend the wheels on the bicycle in there and watch a movie!

So again if you are not following me on my Instagram Facebook page or Tiktok go ahead and do that so you don’t miss and of my videos and uploads!

Come on this homeless adventure with me! I need to be brought back down to earth and stop depending on people so we are going to take the scam as a sign that everything happens for a reason and get some gas up my ass.

I did do my very first order on uber eats with my ebike Today! I messed it up but didn’t give up even though I kinda wanted to cause I was stressed about the other order but I have to understand I am new I can’t be perfect at it on the 1st run lol. But I turned on the app as I was leaving my storage and a order came through and it was for 9 bucks so I hit accept then it beeped again and I added one for 3 bucks to it which was probably stupid but I was like let’s go lol.

So I get to the Panda Express, and all is good, and I think im taking the food to the person and it’s a mall location and I’m on a bike and no where to lock it up so I don’t know what to do not sure how to message the customer so I call support and finally it gets canceled and I think im done I fuked that one up lol. I see there is still one to go, and I’m trying to figure out how to cancel it, and I say ok let’s go do it. it’s just right there. And I did it, and it went pretty smoothly and even got a 6 buck tip!

My 1st ever Uber eats delivery

Okay, well, I wanna go watch that movie. I’ll check in here again soon. Stay safe and sending good vibes!

This was the scam airbnb and my storage

My name is Christina I Tell my life story here. Welcome in and enjoy reading!