Aliens Stir Up Trouble at The North Pole

Negative Aliens Control The South Pole

Lady Jhershierra
5 min readApr 24, 2023

The North Pole has had the influence of the Lyran Snow Elves for thousands of years. This Great Light is also connected to a 6th-density Star Being. They established their 4th and 5th-density communities in the Scandinavian-North Pole area.

The opposite is true of the South Pole. Antarctica has been controlled by several 4th-density aliens, some hostile and interested in managing our people and planet. Also in this space is the US off-world secret space military groups.

Click the red arrow on the video below to see a 5-minute whistleblower testimony of how he entered a giant alien structure in Antarctica.

The United States has spent a lot of time in Antarctica doing all kinds of secret things. Because they have been so focused on the aliens that have bases there and their military bases at the South Pole, they have taken their eyes off of the North Pole.

Countries that border or are very near the North Pole are Russia, Canada, Norway, Denmark (via…



Lady Jhershierra

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