Aliens, Technology, Inner Earth Academy Discussion

New information is given concerning the realities of Earth.

Lady Jhershierra
6 min readNov 17, 2023
Raynor, Inner Earth Sage Warrior *** AdobeStock_601220636_Eduardo

In a previous article, while inside my library/study in the advanced area of the Inner Earth Academy, I talked with the Illumined Sage/Warrior. I mentioned in that article the part where he talked about his history on Earth, previously known as Zalmoxis or Zamolxis. See this article to catch up:

I finally found an illustration (see main photo) to represent him instead of always referring to and calling him Elendil of the Rings of Power.

I learned more information from him the other night while I was in the ‘main’ Academy library, where I had previously spent time with the female librarian- Madria, to discuss the Snow Elves.

The Illumined Sage walked in. I heard the librarian greet him, calling him Rane. I immediately said, “Rane, I like that name!” In our last meeting, he didn’t seem to care what I called him. Immediately after I said this, Madria told me that his proper name was Raynor, but some called him Rane.



Lady Jhershierra

My Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Consciousness. Spiritual Skills, Afterlife ~ Gift/Donation: