Dematerializing My Body Experience

Understanding Consciousness from a New Point of View

Lady Jhershierra
4 min readSep 9, 2020
photo by Jhershierra

In 1990 I had a body dematerialization event while meditating with the Sacred Fire upstairs on my bedroom floor. Meditating with the Sacred Fire since 1986, I knew the physical power this energy could produce, for example, spins and waves of energy going through different parts of my body.

While meditating, I began to feel a tingling inside of my bones and muscles. I just monitored it but kept meditating. Eventually, the tingling that was inside my bones and muscles rose to the surface of my skin. I began to rub my arms a little but decided to relax. I knew using the Sacred Fire; you get all kinds of sensations and body experiences.

As I continued to meditate, I felt pressure begin to develop deep inside of my bones and muscles right down into the cellular level. This pressure began to build and build, and I was working on releasing any resistance to it. I could see with my inner vision or spiritual eye the cells of my body begin to unravel or break apart. Before I could even think about it, there was this tremendous feeling of acceleration and POOF! I was particles of golden light floating around in space.

I didn’t have a body, but I did have a sense of sight, and my Consciousness was fully alert and unaltered. I knew…



Lady Jhershierra

My Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Consciousness. Spiritual Skills, Afterlife ~ Gift/Donation: