Humans Will Be Replaced, New Lifeforms Coming

Lady Jhershierra
4 min readJun 28, 2023
New LIfeforms for Earth *** AdobeStock_531979447_Nokhoog

Higher Consciousness will become new Lifeforms on Earth using pure Divine Blueprints. Blueprint designs are being prepared to replace materialistic humanity in the future.

Most of these Blueprints are designed outside our galaxy and will be introduced to pristine planets and certain inhabited planets in our galaxy.

The inferior human Consciousness program created by corrupt aliens and Dark Force Entities is reaching the end of its time-cycle. Fallen Star Beings, who set themselves up as gods and masters over many planets and their Lifeforms in our galaxy, are entering their final cycle.

Humanity has come to a fork in the road. Either we choose to remain in lower materialistic seduction and addiction or seek Higher Consciousness embracing the Higher Powers available to us within our Divine Blueprint.

The fallen 6th-density Beings using primarily 4th-density forms but also 3rd-density and astral bodies will see their creations swept away.

These entities have long possessed and controlled humanity.

We are trapped in a retrogressive program designed to enslave Consciousness through addiction to body sensation and fixation on the material realm as the only reality.



Lady Jhershierra

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