Meeting Star Beings at My Winter Retreat

Lady Jhershierra
10 min read4 days ago
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Recently, Sil and I were spending time at our Winter Forest Home. We sat before the fireplace she designed, discussing her work with the Ancient Ones and what projects she and I might do together. Our thoughts were far away from the human world as we discussed the other realities we dwelled in with their Avatars and communities. Changes were occurring in the Higher realms of 4th-6th-density.

This energy of change has been pressing into human 3rd-density reality, and thoughtform messages are being sent to every human, whether they are conscious of them or not. However, the human 3rd-density time cell is much slower and denser than the Higher frequencies, causing everything to take longer to manifest.

We sat about 10 feet away on the floor before the fire we had created from the Earth Goddess’s Light. While we were talking, the fire suddenly roared with intense flames that spilled out from the fireplace and took over the space before us. This became a Pillar of Light, which touched the floor and danced upon the ceiling. We stood up quickly, holding each other’s hands, standing silently in awe.




Lady Jhershierra

My Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Consciousness. Spiritual Skills, Afterlife ~ Gift/Donation: