Our Pineal Communicates with Intelligent Consciousness — Distance is Irrelevant.

Interstellar, interplanetary, and individual communication is possible without technology.

Lady Jhershierra
5 min readJan 12, 2022
Pineal Communication*** AdobeStock_StandardLicense_60268556_Detelina Petkova

As mentioned in this article about the collapse of the digital-electrical age, humanity will continuously be given choices about its future.

Currently, we are heading down a path that will enslave our bodies even more instead of empowering them.

Because of our multidimensional Divine Blueprint, our bodies can transcend this lower reality and expand into Higher Intelligent Thought Realities (my terminology).

By doing the necessary work to discipline our minds and emotions through meditation and bodywork, we open space for more advanced Conscious Thought-Forms to enter our minds.

Depending on our level of evolution, see this article; once the body has been mastered, the Pineal gland can expand its Light Field beyond our reality up the Divine Blueprint. Inside the Divine Blueprint, we connect with more advanced Intelligence and a higher-order Light Grid network.

The most available network for the human Light field to connect to is what I call 4th-density. Density has nothing to do with the scientific term dimensions.



Lady Jhershierra

My Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Consciousness. Spiritual Skills, Afterlife ~ Gift/Donation: paypal.me/Jhershierra