Tips for lucid dreaming/astral travel regarding life after death.

Valuable Information in Understanding Consciousness

Lady Jhershierra
4 min readJul 2, 2020
Jhershierra Personal Photo

The first tip I have for you is not to use melatonin. While some supplemental melatonin helps you be more lucid in your dreams, it also triggers, from my experience, the lower levels of the astral plane, often creating nightmares.

The astral/purgatory realm is the closest frequency or density of consciousness to our human life on earth. It is filled with our emotions and thoughts. This is how the astral worlds were created through what we think, believe, and feel in our physical bodies.

Along with melatonin, you don’t want to use ayahuasca. All these drugs put you at risk of triggering reactions of fear, attachment, and dark experiences. Especially if your consciousness is not in a high vibrational state, also, be cautious about alcohol. If you are going to drink, make sure it is primarily out of your system before sleeping. Any of these substances will trigger lower astral vibrations, and we are working to move our consciousness into higher realms of thought reality beyond the astral world.

Some people, their consciousness stays in this astral realm after death. When they die, they shift their consciousness from here to the astral/purgatory realm, which looks similar to…



Lady Jhershierra

My Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Consciousness. Spiritual Skills, Afterlife ~ Gift/Donation: