What Alien Elves on Earth Eat, Part One with Illustrations

Lady Jhershierra
4 min readAug 16, 2023
Earth Snow Elves Realm Autumn*** AdobeStock_616220668_Anna

I will post several illustrations in each article; there will be two describing the kinds of foods the 4th-density Alien Lyran-Earth-Snow Elves Consume. These two articles will be some of my most expensive pieces to write.

There are two harvest times in their community, one in what we call August and one in September.

The first snowfall happens for the Lyran Snow Elves in the middle of our 3rd-density September. So they spend August and September gathering their harvests and preparing for the long dark winter ahead.

Total darkness runs from November to January roughly in our time. But even during this time, their snow glistens at night, giving off an inner soft glow, and colored lights dance in the sky at certain times.

Right now, their autumn or harvest season has begun, which is the middle of August for us in the Northern Hemisphere.

Colors are beginning to reflect in the trees and foliage and will continue even after the first snowfall. This will stop when packed winter snow blankets their realm, and temperatures freeze everything.

There are two festivals or large gatherings during this time. Part of this is for bringing all the food for the first harvest and other compatible wares to a community gathering. The…



Lady Jhershierra

My Experiences with Extraterrestrials, Consciousness. Spiritual Skills, Afterlife ~ Gift/Donation: paypal.me/Jhershierra