After being laid-off by Meta

2 min readNov 11, 2022


The story is I got laid off on my 3rd day joining Meta, and today is my 3rd day being laid off. With the lay-off / set-backs, I become bolder and more confident and I honestly feel this is a good opportunity for me to grow and learn, so would love to share the learning here.

Being more confident

Since the day I received the offer letter, the energy level of me is higher and I had more motivation and aspirations that pushed me forward, faster. There’s no point in letting that momentum slow down, just because someone else made a mistake (in this case Mark Zuckerburg, I don’t blame you but this time its you lol).

The reason I feel I’m more confident is that I realized the fact that I am still the same person as I were, the person who received the offer and felt there’s so many things I can do and potential to realized. Nothing can bring down the intrinsic value of myself. I know exactly what I am good at and the things I need to work on. So there’s no point in letting the external things (company’s decision, how other people think of me) to affect how I look at myself.

I used to KNOW this concept of not letting external things affect you but now I honestly FEEL it, and due to this I’m a little bit more powerful than I used to be.

Thanks to the laid-off experience, I realized this faster that I probably would.

Being bolder — VC is hard to get into but worth the efforts

This is where I feel myself “being bolder”. I never had the courage the apply for one of my dream jobs — VC before, b/c i wanted to check the item “being in FAANG” in my list first, now i do, thought only for 3 days lol, I feel I can move on to the next)

Doing things public will get you more luck

(This is a message shared from a good friend who heard about my lay-off, i appreciate that.)

The concept here is, most people don’t think we have values that’s worth spreading to the world. This is a misconception.

On the contrary, doing so will increase your “luck”, by being exposed to more opportunities, meeting new people, exchanging information, building communities. It’s not about being famous, it’s about bringing values to others, and ultimately to you.

So start spreading values publicly, whether it’s Medium, Podcast, Github, LinkedIn, Youtube, Tik Tok, Instagram etc, and start leveraging the social influence to your advantage.




A growing software engineer. An aspiring entrepreneur. A curious life learner