Changing Things Up When It Seems You’ve Hit Rock BotRock bottom is the end of what wasn’t true enough. Begin again and build something Truer. ~~ Author Glennon DoyleJan 13Jan 13
Life is just … lifing…The taped version of the Emmys was playing quietly in the background this afternoon while I created graphics for a job I was hired to do…Sep 16, 20241Sep 16, 20241
I Am Inspired By…Jan Sebastian, a witty, courageous, medium writer I met here some time ago.Apr 4, 20233Apr 4, 20233
I’d Just Bought a New Home…in the suburbs in preparation for retirement less than a year before COVID forced the world to lockdown. At that point, I’d been employed…Mar 10, 20231Mar 10, 20231
Fantasy Novels — Part ThreeHere are a few struggles authors face when writing fantasy novels.Feb 17, 20231Feb 17, 20231
Fantasy Novels — Part TwoThe Future of Fantasy Writing The future of fantasy writing looks bright. There are many talented writers working in the genre, and the…Dec 27, 20221Dec 27, 20221
Fantasy Novels — Part OneI got to thinking about the origins of the fantasy writing genre. The first stories that came to mind to me were both written in the 19th…Dec 12, 20222Dec 12, 20222
Death and MemoriesAs I age, more and more of my friends, former co-workers and acquaintances are dying and it’s killing me.Jun 10, 20221Jun 10, 20221
Trans-Celestials Part XV: A Letter from Ovus MarinusIn this final entry, our hybrid trans-celestial, Ovus Marinus, writes a letter to humanity in an attempt to explain his reckless move.May 11, 20222May 11, 20222