New bill in Congress would hand your data to cops.

2 min readMar 13, 2018


Some lawmakers are trying to sneak the CLOUD Act through by attaching it to a must-pass government funding bill.

Coalition Letter Opposing the CLOUD Act:

Lawmakers behind a new anti-privacy bill are trying to sneak it through Congress by attaching it to the must-pass government spending bill.

The CLOUD Act would hand police in the U.S., and other countries, extreme new powers to obtain and monitor data directly from tech companies instead of requiring a warrant and judicial review.

Congressional leadership will decide whether the CLOUD Act gets attached to the omnibus government spending bill sometime this week, potentially as early as tomorrow, so we need to flood our lawmakers with messages and calls right now.

Click here to tell your lawmakers to oppose the CLOUD Act and reject any attempts to attach it to a must-pass government spending bill.

If passed, this bill would give law enforcement the power to go directly to tech companies, no matter where they or their servers are, to obtain our data. They wouldn’t need a warrant or court oversight, and we’ll be left with no protections to ensure law enforcement isn’t violating our rights.

The CLOUD Act makes the relationship between big tech companies and governments even cozier. It puts our sensitive personal information at risk by making it readily accessible to cops.

Leaders in Congress are going to make this decision very soon. Take action now to demand that your lawmakers reject any attempt to attach the CLOUD Act to the must-pass government spending bill.

Make sure to call your representative using the Congressional switchboard number: (202) 224–3121. Here’s what you can say:

Defend the Fourth Amendment. Oppose the CLOUD Act and any attempts to sneak this surveillance expansion bill through Congress by attaching it to a must-pass government spending bill.




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