Hope Is a Miracle

Laila Ahmed
2 min readOct 15, 2019


Most people loose hope and later experience a miserable life. Only if they holded on a little longer, things would have been different.

There was a family who was blessed with a beautiful child after waiting for a long time but as soon as the baby was born, doctor diagnosed as some severe issue with the babies Heart and a surgery was recommended with fear of losing the child as no surety even after surgery….

The parents were in complete shock as in both cases whether they get their child operated they might loose the child as just born baby couldn’t be out of anesthesia or otherwise they were guided that within four weeks baby would stop breathing and sucking mothers milk ….

They were guided to me (Laila Ahmed) a spiritual healer by a friend who has never explored this side of my life as a Therapist.

I checked in with the Intuition and was guided to live in the now and presently don’t rush into surgery and started my healing process and also guiding the family what to communicate to child all the time and what to pray.

Simple short prayer, “Thank you God for blessing me with Healthy Baby.” and Affirmation to be repeated in child’s ear was “I am healed, whole and complete.”

Thank God its been 10 weeks now and child is normal and no sign of unhealth. Shukhar — Thank God who is the healer.

If you constantly think of illness , you will be ill and if you think of Health, you will be healthy.

Hope and Faith are your most valuable assets — don’t allow anyone or anything to take them from you.

If someone asks how are you, tell them the spiritual truth. I AM HEALTHY AND WEALTHY.

Divine Hope & Faith.



Laila Ahmed

I am an Intuitive Trainer helping people to expand and connect deeply with their Intuitive Powers and Jump Start their Life.