photo by Cris Saur

Awkward situations make me feel awkward.

Warning: This post will probably be very awkward.

Lalaina Rackson


I’m an awkward human being who constantly feels awkward about life in general. Some people do not believe me when I say that I am awkward but believe me, if you were in my shoes you’d be surprised at how often I actually feel awkward. Which is pretty much every single day.

I don’t know, I just… well “I don’t know”, that’s the thing.

I usually don’t know how to respond in certain situations or how to act or how to feel so the only thing that I really feel is awkwardness.

If you’re not very familiar with what “feeling awkward” feels like, first off, what a lucky person you are! Second, awkwardness feels like you’re an octopus on a unicycle and you have ants crawling all over your body so you just weirdly move your tentacles to get rid of them while trying not to die at the same time. And everybody is watching and wondering “what is he doing?” — I don’t know, I tried to explain it the best way that I could. But honestly how would YOU describe this feeling?

Why do we feel this way?

Sometimes it’s because we don’t know what to do or say. So when we say something, we usually don’t know if it was the right thing to say or not. Also we don’t know what the person would think about what we’ve just said so the anticipation is making us feel awkward I guess? — Is this post getting more and more awkward or is it just me? Because I’m feeling awkward about writing all this seeing as I actually have no idea if I am making any sense or if it is the right thing to say or what any of you would think about what I am saying. Yes I am going through an awkward feeling as we speak! And I hope that I’m not making you feel uncomfortable. And if I am then I am so sorry! —

Anyway, back to trying to understand that feeling. I think that it is based on the perception of others. We feel awkward because we don’t know how the other person will respond or act towards us. Which I think is pretty ridiculous. Why are we always worried about what other people would think of us? Which brings us to this feeling of “wanting to feel accepted and validated by others”. I think that that’s what the “feeling of awkwardness” feels like. Or maybe I’m wrong, maybe it comes from something totally different. I don’t know I haven’t really done any proper researches, I’m just talking out of experience. I was just trying to understand why sometimes I feel awkward and maybe it is because I’m actually scared of being rejected. Maybe not. But I just wanted to share with you my point of view on this subject. Maybe some people will agree with me, maybe not. But I had to share my thoughts!

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