Photo by Jeremy Bishop

Our Only Purpose In Life Is To Live Fully

Lalaina Rackson
3 min readDec 5, 2017

“I would hate to die and never do the thing I was born to do” — T.D Jakes

We’re all wondering why we’re here and what it is that we’re supposed to do with our life.

The answer is simple: LIVE.

Our sole purpose is to live the life that we were given.

Live life to the fullest.

And you can do that by just being yourself to the fullest which means that you have to learn to love and accept yourself. And you learn to do that by living, by experiencing, by getting to know yourself, by failing, by succeeding, by changing etc… As the days go by, you’ll learn to love yourself. But loving yourself is not an end goal it’s an endless journey as you learn to love yourself a little bit more each and everyday.

You can also live life to the fullest by loving others. When you go out into the world and learn about other people, their culture and stories, you learn to love them and be there for them. You learn to be a good friend, a good sibling, a good parent, a good teacher, overall you learn to be a good human being towards others. You learn that living is not just about you living life to the fullest but it is also about letting others live their lives to the fullest. And it is about helping those who need help in order for them to be able live their lives to the fullest.

We all deserve the chance that we were given and once you learn that you and everyone else equally deserves that chance, you’ll be able to enjoy life and live life to the fullest.

If we go back to the quote that I put at the beginning, I think that this quote means a lot of things.

For me, one of those meaning is that I would hate to die and not do the one thing that I was born to do which is live fully. I would also hate to die and not help others to also live fully.

I think that’s our only real purpose “LIVE AND LET LIVE”.

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