photo by Toa Heftiba

Some people are just meant to be alone.

Lalaina Rackson
4 min readJul 6, 2017

Once again, today’s inspiration is my favorite show of all time: “Smallville”. And my own personal life was also a big part of why I decided to write today’s blog post.

The thing is that people don’t really understand or believe me when I say that I am an introvert. Believe me, I’m as introverted as it gets!

To be honest, I didn’t choose to be introvert. — I don’t think that anyone chooses to be — When I was little, most of the time, I was alone. And even when I was not alone, I still felt very much alone. I didn’t really have friends and most of the ones that I had either turned on me or forgot about me or moved away or just disappeared. In short, I was alone pretty much all my life. And because of that I’ve learned to enjoy my own company to the point that my own company became the only company needed.

In my favorite TV show, Clark Kent said “Sometimes some people are just meant to be alone”. Personally I’d like to believe that I am not part of those “some people” because although I am very introverted and I could spend weeks or months all by myself with books, articles and ted talks, I’m still very much craving other people’s company.

Just like most human beings, I hope that one day I’ll find that special someone and have a family of my own, so my end goal is totally not to end up all alone with 36 cats. (Although that could be quite nice to be honest! haha)

But the question that I’m asking myself is, what if I am indeed one of those people that are just meant to be alone?

I’ve noticed that I do better on my own. I’m more able to concentrate and get things done. I’m more able to achieve my goals. I don’t get hurt by others and others don’t get hurt by me. Bottom line, being alone is pretty awesome to me. But I know that I don’t want that for the rest of my life. So what to do?

How do I let other people in my life without having to hide myself back into my shell?

I think it’ll be a long process for me and I’ll probably spend 90% of that process all by myself but I’m pretty sure that one day I’ll figure it out. One day, I’ll be able to trust people again. I’ll be able to be with people without them leaving me or me leaving them.

Being an introvert is definitely not the easiest thing to be but I have faith that I’ll figure a way to be happy with myself and with other people.

I just need to find the balance between being alone with myself and being with other people / letting other people be with me.

To all my introverts, I’m sure you’re all reading this because let’s be honest, reading is pretty much all we do haha I know that you need your time alone. We all do! But introverts need it more than others. And it’s ok. It’s ok to be alone or to want people to leave you alone. Trust me, I know the feeling. Sometimes it might suck and you might wonder to yourself “Am I a horrible person? Why don’t I want to see anyone?” But you’re not a horrible person. You just need your own space. People just have to wait for you to be ready to come out. It might take you awhile, but you need to come out when you’re ready not because people try to force you out. Like I said, it’s not an easy thing to be an introvert and most people won’t understand you but I do understand you. And if you need to be alone then take your time. You’re the only one who knows how to deal with your introvertiveness (is that a word?) so deal with it the best way you know how and when you feel like you need to stop being alone then you’ll come out of your cocoon and you’ll be a beautiful butterfly!

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