The one who sees you

Lalaina Rackson
2 min readJan 23, 2020

Sometimes it feels like nobody notices you.

You can go on with your life trying your best to be perfect.

But no one notices.

No one cares.

Why would they?

You’re invisible.

In a crowded room,

You are just one face.

So you slump your shoulders.

And you carry on.

But the truth is that somebody sees you.

Somebody sees all of your insecurities.

And to Him,

They’re beautiful.

To Him you don’t have to hide.

You don’t have to perform.

You don’t have to pretend.

Because to Him you are more than enough.

In a crowd of many faces,

Yours is the one that He delights in.

He knows every little detail.

From the way that you chew your lips nervously,

To the way that your hand helps somebody.

He has seen it all.

And He is not frightened.

He is not disappointed.

