Photo by Jake Blucker

What I’ve Learned From Writing About What I Don’t Usually Write About

Lalaina Rackson
4 min readSep 28, 2017

For the past few weeks I tried something new with my posts. I would choose a new topic to talk about every week and I would post one blog regarding that topic every day of the week. I did not fail to do this task, every week I tried to talk about a new subject. Sometimes I would surprise myself and write more blog posts than I’d anticipated so when I thought I’d only write 2, I ended up writing 4. When I thought I’d write none, I’d end up writing 1 or 2. Granted some weeks I didn’t post 7 posts out of 7 but at least I tried posting 1 or 2. It was a nice challenge while it lasted but eventually I got bored… I lost inspiration and eventually I slowly stopped writing. Which is something that I didn’t want to happen, that is why as of today, I am stopping with this challenge and I am going back to writing about whatever I want to write about and when I want to right about it.

Here are a few things I’ve learned/noticed from this experience:

  1. Write what you want to write about — I tried to challenge myself and write things that I wouldn’t usually write about because I just like a good challenge and doing things differently than what I’m used to. But the truth is that I should just stick to writing what I enjoy writing about. Not that I didn’t enjoy writing about new topics, it’s just that I’m way more motivated when I’m writing about what I’m deeply interested in/passionate about. If one day I want to talk about a new topic, I will but I don’t have to chose a specific week to talk about a specific subject.
  2. Don’t be too organized — I know, what kind of lesson is this one? Usually people criticize others for not being organized. But as a perfectionist, I tend to try to organize everything a bit too much which is something I did with this challenge. I prepared myself for every new topic, as one should, but I prepared myself too much. Which means that I was putting too much pressure on myself. Being too organized and trying to do things too perfectly can be a bad thing as it can be draining.
  3. People only want to read what they’ve came here to read — I think this is relevant for anyone who does something in the creative field such has making youtube videos or art or music etc… if people found out about you because you rap or you vlog or you draw portraits, they will most likely only want you rap or you vlog or you draw portraits. In a way it’s kind of sad but I mean it does make sense, if you go to the cinema to watch Moana and they unexpectedly put the movie “it” it just wouldn’t make sense, right? This is not what you came for, right? It’s seems a bit harsh and ruthless but it kind of makes sense.
  4. Don’t give one f*ck about what people think — There it is, I said a bad word… Sometimes it helps get your point accross easier. This advice is in relation with advice #3. Of course, people come to your page for a specific kind of content and they have the right to want what they came here for but at the same time, let’s not forget that this is your page, your platform, your blog, your youtube channel and you can (and will) post whatever you want and whatever makes YOU happy. Because initially that’s why you’re doing what you’re doing: because it makes YOU happy. So don’t pay too much attention to what people think, whether they’re following you or not, whether they’re reading or watching your stuff, what matters most is that you’re doing something that you want to be doing.

My final advice to you is this: Challenge yourself, try new things but if you don’t like it, it’s ok to go back to what you used to do before/what you know you can do. At least you can say that you’ve tried and this new experience will teach you some great lessons.

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