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Why I Disagree With The Saying “Quality Over Quantity“

Lalaina Rackson
5 min readMar 29, 2018

Everyone will tell you to choose quality over quantity.

I actually googled “quality over quantity” and got thousands of results and cute motivational pictures:

It’s actually one very loved and praised quote.

But I’m going to be very real with you, I don’t like nor do I agree with this saying.

I actually think that it’s the other way around:

Quantity Over Quality

The reason why I am saying that is because I think that “quality” can actually prevent you from actually starting to do something or for putting your work out there into the world.

Quality is pretty much like perfection so by saying “Quality over quantity” you’re actually saying “Make sure that everything is perfect and that you are perfect before presenting your work to the world”.

But the truth is that, nobody is perfect and nobody’s work really has any “quality” to it from the get-go.

For those of you who don’t know, I’ve been writing a blog post every single day, for the past 2 years.

