Lalaina Rackson
3 min readMay 7, 2016


Yeah, but what if you are a positive person, and you try to turn bad situations into good situations. What if you don’t let negativity bring you down. But no matter how hard you try, bad things always seems to happen to you.

Let me explain. I wrote a story on medium a few days ago about what happened to me:

And trust me I have moved on from it and I am staying positive and I am staying happy because that is just the way that I am. I cannot stay down forever.

BUT, that being said, I have noticed that most of the time when I am very happy and I am trying to get in a “I am going to get lucky” midset or “I am going to be happy” mindset, 90% of the time that day, something bad happens to me. Like having my phone stolen or my wallet etc…

It is like someone is following me in life and everytime I seem to be too happy, they make sure something bad happens to me. I have talked about it with my friends and there is this phenomenon called “Bad things always happen to good people”. I think it is true. At the same time I don’t want to think that it is true. Because if it is true then that means that good things happen to bad people? I cannot accept that. I work very hard on staying positive. I work very hard to get what I want. I work very hard to love myself and love others. I work very hard to stay the good person that I know that I am. And all that for what? For bad people to get all the credits? And all the good things? I find it very unfair.

But I don’t think about this a lot. If good things happen to bad people then I usually think “good for them”, I don’t really care. I try to focus more on myself and my life and how I can stay true to myself and stay positive while achieving my goals. Because ultimately, my life is my life, and I am the main person that has control over it. So I try to focus more on what good I can do with my life rather than how unfair it is that good things seems to happen to bad people. I’d rather focus on learning through my lessons & experiences. Getting to know myself and my abilities. Working on my dreams and goals. Ultimately, I know that I cannot make myself be a bad person in order for me to get all the good things. Because I know that even if bad things will happen to me, ALL. THE. TIME, I would rather stay true to myself and grow as a person with a few bad things happening to me but eventually achieving my goals. Rather than, being someone that I am not and getting a few good things along the way. Because I know that true happiness comes with staying true to yourself and loving yourself. It still hurts me a little bit that bad things seems to be happening to me although I really do not do anything to deserve it. But I know that somehow the world is testing me and my abilities to stay strong. So that is what I am going to do. Stay strong.

