You deserve better.

Lalaina Rackson
2 min readJul 26, 2016

I’ve read a post here on medium a while back by Jessica Semaan about thinking that you deserve the best. Her post is about relationships but I think that it can be applied to other things too.

Indeed, who do you think you are to deserve the best?

Do you believe that you’re the best and that is why you deserve the best? But are you really the best?

Let’s talk about the word “best” what does that even mean?

To some, the best boyfriend/girlfriend might be pretty, smart, funny, thoughtful, loving, fiesty, with a job, not too perfect but a little bit maybe and so on and so forth…

The best job might be a job you love, where you work but not to much, you work but still can have fun, you earn quite a good amount of money etc…

The best house might be one with enough rooms for yourself, your little family and also spare rooms for others, with a pool, 4–5 bathrooms, a living room, a play room, a basement etc…

The best can be anything. And it can have any qualities you desire. You can make a list of what the best (fill in the blank) can look like. But the thing is most of the time it is hard to find and get THE BEST. The thing that checks all your little expectations’ boxes.

That is why I think that you don’t necessarily deserve the best but you definitely deserve better! Better than the last relationship because the last one might have ended up badly, leaving you heartbroken. You deserve better because you also are getting better. You are getting better at being yourself! Therefore you deserve something better than what you had because what you had didn’t work out and now you’ve evolved from this situation.

So don’t look for the best, look for something better!

If you’re looking for the best and expecting the best you will end up disappointed and maybe a little hurt.

Thrive to be a better you and better things will come to you.

And eventually you’ll find your “best”. You’ll get to marry the person you think is the best fit for you, you’ll get to live in the house that best suits you, have the best job ever etc… And maybe this “best” will be so far off the little list you previously made but if it makes you happy then that’s the best thing anyone can ever hope for.

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