iOS 14 Is Great. Deal With It

Now that I’m using iOS 14 full-time, I’m appreciating it more and paying the price for my pleasure

Lance Ulanoff
The Startup


I’d stumbled into the platform holy wars.

Even though I’d been testing and playing with Apple’s iOS 14 update betas for months, I hadn’t offered much public commentary on the good, bad, or indifferent of the new iPhone operating system. In hindsight, I probably needn’t have waited so long. From the very first beta, iOS 14 was one of Apple’s most stable platform releases and I was confidentially running it on a phone that I could use every day, though it was not my primary phone.

In any case, on release day, I downloaded iOS 14 on my primary iPhone, which gave me a chance to experience the OS anew. The great thing about it is, if you want to live in a familiar iOS 13 world, you kind of can. iOS 14 doesn’t force a lot of changes on the user up front but, if you choose, it can be one of the most significant cosmetic and functional updates in years.

I know, I keep digressing. Sorry, I’m just a little shell-shocked.

Going full iOS

As I was setting up my primary iPhone with a final iOS 14 release, I set about adding the new home screen widgets by pressing and holding on the home screen until a “+”…



Lance Ulanoff
The Startup

Tech expert, journalist, social media commentator, amateur cartoonist and robotics fan.