Is it Possible to Navigate the Crypto Craze Divide?

Too much hype and lots of disagreement threaten to tear this trend apart

Lance Ulanoff
4 min readJan 23, 2022
Photo by Kanchanara on Unsplash

The fault lines between those who believe in the promise of cryptocurrency and those who do not are growing.

Every time I bring up, for instance, NFTs on social media, the tweets about NFT deals jostle for space with those who insist the whole thing is an elaborate Ponzi scheme

I ride the middle. I own cryptocurrency (a little), have created, and tried selling NFTs, and have this nagging feeling that the whole thing is one Queen of Clubs away from crumbling like a house of cards.

Even as entire companies steer into the trend, either attempting to catch the blockchain wind current in their sails or to fundamentally alter their business, millions of people around the world have little understanding or interest in the Blockchain and its brethren.

For every time that someone sells an NFT for millions, there are worrying signs that the fiat that lives on a digital ledger that no one person or country owns is less like our paper dollar and more like flash paper, momentarily bright, brilliant, and white-hot right before it disappears.

Last week, instead of the usual, ongoing Crypto Craze, we had the “Cryptocrash.”…



Lance Ulanoff

Tech expert, journalist, social media commentator, amateur cartoonist and robotics fan.